Monday, December 27, 2010

Where To Get Rare Tech Decks


Another year ends ... a difficult year which have survived. Another begins, and brings a sack full of hope that hopefully last us a lot. It is a year of important decisions, an election year ... May God enlighten us!

********************************* ************************

Animals courts Rafael

Garcia Goyena

dramatization of Manuel Galich


León Gallo

Dog Cat


Rapporteur: In many animals

endless complaints and long

memorials go to León, asking him to form

new laws and reformed code.

The Lion then full justice,

summons to court in entertaining site: Leon

: Well, gentlemen, given how many things have explained on several occasions, I , the Lion, by the grace of God, king of the jungle and the thick gray animal, I agreed to meet three members of each species, to give their views on behalf of their fellows. So we are pleased to see gathered together the cream of the kingdom: the burning Toro, the Jaco warrior, the fierce tiger, panther, bear, hare, deer, Dain, the Retriever, Sheep, Ram, the Pig, Wile E. Coyote and the Pollino. I would like to hear from those present. Gallo

: I ask the floor. Leon

: The representative has the Gallo. Gallo

: Ahem! Lord king of beasts, representatives of the other species, on behalf of poultry, particularly of gallinaceous birds, I will afford to expose our opinion in that regard. Our species, gentlemen, besides other great services, has a virtue to the world: the heat, constant vigilance in defense of property of others ...

Dog: I ask the floor. Gallo

: I'm talking about me. Dog

: word I ask for the order. Leon

: In this case, is the representative dog. Dog

: Gentlemen Gallo representative departs from the main point. We did not come here to make an apology for our respective species. Gallo

: I have not made any apology. Leon

: Gallo representative are cautioned that should not stop. Gallo

: All for the love of God. I will not say "• This bill is mine", even if it is ... They say that at peak sink ships ...

Dog: Well done. Well, gentlemen, as I was saying, Dog has what no men to boast of more perfect, can count among its virtues minimum. I mean loyalty. Who better than us, is careful to the point, dedicated to the sacrifice, sincere to the incredible, straight up ...? Cat

: word I ask for the order. Leon

: call on the representative Cat. Cat

: The representative Dog, falls into the same fault just blame Mr. Gallo. Immoderately commended the qualities of his kind, and although they are not false, I think we have not met for fire engine, but to improve our overall condition. For my part I would suggest that is appropriate to discuss what action should be taken ...

All : Good thinking. Well said. It is the most successful. Leon

: gentlemen are asked if the motion of the Cat. Cat

: Del Gato representative, if Mr. Leon has it right.

Leon : Sorry, a little slip of the tongue. Do you agree?

All : SIIIII ...! Leon

: Now please give your opinion in that regard, the representative Cat. Cat

: Gustosísimo, gustosísimo Lord King Lion. I think it must be combated, preferably, licentious habits of some animals. Delivered to entertainment wildly unwise, and not afraid to incur the sin of licentiousness. To avoid this ...

Lobo : Excuse intervene as outburst. I'm not one who will dare contradict Parliament as wise, or even raise my voice as dark as selected distinguished assembly. But I think, saving the best understanding of course that is not the free ride and more mundane treatment what should pursue, but theft, robbery, theft and kidnapping. There is, and it is regrettable to say much about it among ourselves. If Mr. Leon would give a law to that effect ...

Leon : for me ... But it should say the majority. Mouse

: I ask the floor. Leon

: does, representative mouse. Mouse

: I agree with what was said by the Wolf. Can not be otherwise. I propose to be expelled from the countryside and towns, those who have such reprehensible conduct. Some

: Okay.

Other : is absurd. No, no, no ...


: Order, order, gentlemen. Anyone wishing to speak to ask first call. Gallo

: I love her, Mr. Leon. Leon

: have it, then. Gallo

: Honorable animal representation, but promised not to talk, I will. In principle we all agree on one thing, and it is this: we must improve our moral condition, combat vice and encouraging virtue.

All : Very good, very good. Gallo

: and I am grateful. Now, if we agree in principal, there is much discrepancy in the accessory. This is in the process of realization as good purposes.

All : is right, right. Gallo

: my part I believe that the problem in any case, there is no gravity. His solution is simple. Take away their superiority to the animals stronger, this will be bloody. Not having that horrible classification and weaknesses, and all being equal in resources and possibilities of defense, I think that will disappear threats and attacks. I propose therefore, decreed that the law of equality.

All : Bravo! Bravo! Very good, very good. (Prolonged ovation.)

Leon : Please, gentlemen, a moment. Fair and has won deserved applause Mr. MP Gallo, the string sound and motion. I consider it appropriate, then, proceed to draft the decree, save, given the unanimous approval and spontaneous here, the requirement of the discussion. I would question whether they all agree on that.

All : Yeah, yeah, yeah ...

Leon : Gentlemen, having come to an agreement, thanks to the talented Gallo, come Recast pen and paper or text and I sign it willingly.

Rapporteur: (and the fabulous and the event is referring.)

"For interest each,

by the other drones, and rogues,

equal sanction the decree.

And then the king lead with respect.

signed his majesty, and the assembly

echo the applause of the idea. "

But when the joy is greater and the representatives are prepared to leave the room, yells the Mouse:


: Eh! Mr. Leon, Mr. Leon. Your order is useless, not says. Inequality is maintained. Prevalences have not disappeared. See, with me, Mr. Cat, whose nails are still something like what humans called sword of Damocles. Why not be necessary to strip of her natural weapons to the kingdom? Leon

: Friend Mouse, I can not reach it. If we all said the same, congratulations, but that does not entail any obligation to amend the map to our Mother Nature. Such a claim would be childish and ridiculous. What she did in a manner and distributed to the other, can not be changed by decree. Retain the Bull horns, the hooves Mule, Tigre and their sharp Gato nails, teeth and I Lobo my strength. Things remain as Nature made them, as we found a way to level the kingdom, and do it that way, a beautiful reality, which by now is not utopia but charming and plausible purpose. Maybe in the future, all can be effectively equal.

Rapporteur: fabulist does not say what was the end of the session, but one can assume that things did not change anything. Goyena Garcia scored only if, in four verses:

" never came to see experience

but left with fruit this statement:

No legislator, yet profound,

the world can match . "

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Hemorrhoids Am I Pregnant


Posted in Blog Jordi Badia, I LOVE SOMEONE WITH ADHD

The following story is that of a parent whose son was diagnosed ADHD TWICE. Not satisfied and began to search for your account. His research and determination led them in other ways far more hopeful of ADHD. An example of how easy it is now a diagnosis wrong (or two as in this case) and how, when professionals say are more "open" when we begin to truly help our children. The following text is part of the correspondence I had with the father who asked him to leave her post and has agreed in good taste even though the messages are private in nature because as he says literally:
"Only with that one person to realize, even for a rule, be satisfied, if by chance I had read something similar surely things would have gone their separate ways. " Sure it will, thanks Ramon.
Jordi Badia ADHD


Hello, my name is Ramon and have two wonderful sons, the eldest of seven years and the girl of two. an odyssey we spent with Ignacio (so called), from first grade to take the drastic decision out of the school where I was and take it to another. The reason was that when he started the first quarter started the problems of neglect and low self-esteem, seeing that the school rejected him and did nothing for him we decided to remove it. We begin our safari

particularly psychiatrists, psychologists, neurologists etc ... we ended up like everyone else, disoriented, with less euros in my pocket, no solutions and the child getting worse, yes, diagnosed with ADHD each payment in cash and that the others are not worth ..... Ignacio was prescribed methylphenidate famous (damn name) a drug which distrust from the beginning. Ignacio change and seemed to be better, but his behavior problems are greatly exacerbated to the point of passing of being a friendly and cordial to being rejected by others for violent and irritable. We decided to cut off his medication and have been in contact now with a clinical psychologist who is against medication and it seems that once again gives us (and others) a thread of hope.

Last Thursday we went to visit again the clinical psychologist, is the third session we do with it (the first was an interview with us, the second to Ignacio, the other day he started working with him), ruled according to their criterion (as you said) the acronym ADHD or any other condition of this type. He says he will begin to study the behavior instrumental for he says that she will be there, is nothing to do handedness, correct use of vision, hearing ... bone more or less what I'm seeing lately in blogs and web pages. When you have a clear diagnosis of what he believes happens will tell us the guidelines to follow.

We also have an appointment with optometrist Ignacio Madrid, called Rosa M. García Hernández.

We have heard from Crispulo Toledano Bottle is the name of the psychologist who has been visiting Ignacio, has given us an answer somewhat difficult to explain to us but very reasonable and that explains why many things that we have observed in the child since birth, we spoke with her teacher and has coincided with us, many behaviors that have now seen a foundation. For my part I started to inform me (via Internet) and adjusted to the nearest millimeter the symptoms we have always seen.

two factors are given:

disorder has a very typical, normal, common learning literacy is not as technically called, although I repeated it two hundred times, but after all it has not systematized the recognition of letters, he reads a word and not unconsciously recognizes phonemes, instead of writing has to draw the letters one by one and not as a group, the strange thing is that no child with poor learning (sometimes none said with emphasis) learn to read, therefore the process is for the adults and we realize that time is fixed and continues forward from its normal path. This explains his bad handwriting, shaky and no uniform size, lack of spatiality in paper, their lack of interest in serving on the board and its refusal to copy anything or just write. You say, you say no and Ignacio read correctly. And they are right, the funny thing is that it reads well, has a huge reading ability (I tell a joke that is studied rather than read the books) and loves it. This is the second factor, level of reasoning (what we call intelligence in general computing) is very high, Crispulo would not use the word gifted by saying that carries many stereotypes, but that a medium-high level in the gifted, so it is the only child with this disorder who knows in 40 years in the profession that (exact words) "not as Pussy or because road has learned to read with this disorder. "

In echo to have that ability to reason Ignacio gets absorbed in class and passes through inattentive and bored by it directly as a single explanation has captured the concepts, no need even to study all the problems you have, have and will come inattention to be more intelligent than normal (what a paradox) the great wall that we found is that this has no solution as they would have adapt the system to Ignacio, because from what I read, Ignacio not fit the system never speak of a 47% rate of failure and dropout gifted children. so far is well at school, last year ended with a remarkable average score but cost us blood and sweat to us (especially to a mother, I take my hat) and his teacher knew to wear it. At last we are as always, have a cause, but not a solution, there is hope that the same maturity is corrected and unconsciously learn to recognize letters and solve the problems of writing, for it will make the psychologist a periodical each two months and if it is necessary to act and deal with some type of therapy. But this does not solve the inattentive remains (apparently) and have problems inconpatibilidad between social-emotional age and level of thinking. We are

doubt that many do not know how to solve everyday problems, for example today brought to task to study a topic of environmental knowledge and translate it into a tab, and then five star multiplication and five divisions, well to do that has been four hours, the subject has not come even to read it with the explanation in class and had enough, the difficulty has been at the time of writing, and accounts ...... despite knowing the results flawless as usual, has to be done in writing. He thinks it's a lack of time and energy, and says so, write what you know, so ....

Think of this situation, it serves to be smart.

On the other hand, it is incredible that a child with these parameters is diagnosed with ADHD by professionals;

The first thing I saw was the school, that he said he was surprised that a child who is almost perfect to the test and used the lexicon as broad as those notebooks could make nefactos, disorganized, and most days just started. We came to say ... What do we do with it?

Before the first quarter of first grade the school decided to remove it and put it where you are now (the child was sad, self-esteem, and begin to isolate themselves) to me was the hardest decision I had to take, had at school from three years, not as I will be affected or Ignacio but we drew and we loaded it to us. In this new school have the support of teachers, but can not be overturned, but as we just lost.

then took him to a child spiquiatra sent us a psychological cabinet to make a scan, the results were that I was a little immature, but he had a high IQ, they were surprised by the amount of vocabulary used. We went back and told us spiquiatra had nothing to do ... and for another doctor if he is doing his job, did not review the evidence or is that only exist in the world of ADHD and bipolar.

then to another facility psychology on the advice of his teacher, then after 350 € and two sessions tell us that the child has ADHD, but thanks to his level of thinking way above the average has been masked to some extent you have to ask behavioral therapy to € 195 a month. When we did not improve and also suspected that we were cheating we took the child from his famous therapies.

His pediatrician (Neuropaediatrician) when you count the results began with the begging, which I take it for a year and two quarters, Ignacio was unrecognizable at the end of this last school year, too much irritation, aggressive, rebellious, alien ... . tube boxes tics. We decided to cut it off, month and again the same.

In her new school guidance counselor with the best of intentions, after observing and send questionnaires to their profession and we said we could be an Asperger. Another stupidity.

And so three years .........

After passing by three psychologists, a neurologist siquitatra and none could suspect that it was another thing, what I say a real safari.

Yesterday we were in the office of Rosa Garcia, the optometrist told you. We left quite satisfied, identified several visual problems in Ignacio, and others still being good at everything, his left eye is dominant.


Ignacio let you know that everything goes smoothly, we are finally in calm water after such a long journey that we did not carry anything. The fact has helped us understand putting them on his shoe, he is helping to guide us and teaching us more than what many professionals have done, and fairly quiet lately at school think this better. For our part we left more on their own, and we relaxed a lot, do not give much importance to things that do not, and do not care much for their notebooks, papers and other ..... paradoxically gradually noticed that what gets better and costs less to do so. Now we get to the library of the order eight books every 15 days, the swallows, this learning types, and each may feel more time to practice piano. These are the activities you enjoy and we let them do almost at will, yes always subject to implementation tasks. Our big mistake was to be always worried and slopes above it and not let it take its pace, we were dazzled with the recommendations of others and obsessed with finding a solution to the alleged problem. For our part we have been in contact with the association of parents of high capacity, for us it was a place where we have understood, mainly because we were all talking the same language, they exposed us their cases and described to his children and I thought they were talking about Ignacio, many behaviors and skills are literally Ignacio features. As commentary and anecdotes to any gifted child likes football, is coming almost to hate him, I was something that did not surprise me because I do not like.

Funny the difference with the association of ADHD, as here are not involved professionals (doctors, laboratories), is not institutionalized, it's like a blog in the flesh, is seeking solutions from the experience, the final it comes to sharing the day to day for each family.

I can not quite talk case as I've had two experiences uncomfortable and almost unpleasant, a professor with musical language and the other with the guidance of the school, in the end I'm an arrogant and pretentious, I just believe that whoever listens to me think "how it will be your gifted child with the letter you have, you are a conceited fool, and your son, "I do not know, the course of the conversation, faces, expressions ... is difficult to explain given the stereotype of the gifted, to understand. But this is what we have had, is not a problem, the problem is the other, one could say that is a gift and I believe I simply have to learn to channel it.

other hand we have the valuation of Rosa, Ignatius actually impaired and this affects their attention, we are now daily in therapy to correct them, but I'll tell more of this, the better you send it and see for yourself as well as delivery reports.

pedistes Once I publish my case in the blog, because now I am asking you to post it, and of course the result of the entire journey. Only one person to realize even for rule be satisfied, if by chance I had read something similar surely things would have gone their separate ways.

Anyway I was lucky to come across blog like yours, that of Rosina Uriarte and others ... All this made me recap and change of strategy. Of course nothing would have changed had it not been for Crispulo (the psychologist) that will change of course and taught us what we already had, is the only thing that I can not comfort, not having realized it before the data we've had since forever.

It's funny how in such a short time we have gone from a road with bumps and curves at least one that is marked and well-paved, I can say right now (I've taken from you) "I love someone who had ADHD ". Father Ignacio

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Picnik Quotes For Friend


I first went to a hearing test at age 16 when she noticed he had difficulty studies. Until then I had not realized that the auditory system affects our everyday lives. And, after having made the review and found me what were the "problems" I had, I went to the hearing rehabilitation.

This was noticing as I went, that sounds so far for me sounded one way, actually sounded differently, such as the tune that put on trains before announcing what will be the next stop.

From that moment I knew that hearing rehabilitation work. So much so that you have been thinking of leaving high school, because I thought I was helpless and could not, now I'm thinking of studying a race.

So if something I have clear is that if at the end of the study will largely be thanks to the efforts I made, but another large part be due to auditory rehabilitation. Without it would have taken "half-deaf" and certainly I would have given up.

(This testimony has been sent by a guy from Bilbao)

Monday, December 13, 2010

Smelly Urine Pregnancy Symptom


Mayda is a 6 year old girl.

De baby was never ill, to the year and a half that began with pharyngitis and otitis frequent. These infections lasted between 3 and 4 months old. The doctors told us that was normal, all kids got sick.

In time he was diagnosed with allergic asthma, but was still Mayda serious ear infections. After several treatments drained her ears, and after 2 ½ years back no ear infections, but neither turned to look at how her ears.

At 3 he started the Cole and in an English language academy. We never noticed anything but we realized it was a shy girl, did not speak when I was with people, do not pronounce the / r / and other consonants changed the pronunciation. When we went to the doctor to review it and commented those things that we noticed how his ears when television was a little high. The physician's response: "It's normal, she has nothing, and first-obsessed mother (uncertain since I was a child of 20 years).

English teacher noticed my daughter had a hearing problem and from that moment began our struggle: Visits to the audiologist, speech therapists, pedagogues, and from 3 years to 5.

Diagnosis: child limit, I could never go to the bar with others you had to assimilate.

When I told her English teacher told me about what happened an educational room where they took a different therapy. So we come before Ana Madrigal. She explained the Berard method, we did an interview and a study for our daughter.

thus begin therapy, and the 3 rd day to our astonishment, Mayda said on behalf of my sister Sarah (formerly named Sayai) was exciting. Began to pronounce the "r", all very happy but Mayda more, laughed a lot, every time you say a word with "r" us repeat. Still working with Anna, but we believe and hope that our daughter will continue to improve thanks to this method and people like Anna Madrigal and Anabel that make this cabinet.

We sincerely hope to continue helping more people to make life easier.

Some parents

How To Make A Belt Of The Wwe


When our son Mario was 6 and began 1 º EP school approached us to tell us he had some academic difficulty, because instead of moving was increasingly delayed.

From that moment, began to seek help, through different therapies until we reached the Cabinet ASO. There, after a year and a half working with Ana Maria Madrigal, we recommended a new test, which consisted of a hearing test to rule out hearing problems. It was the first time we hear the auditory rehabilitation. Ana M ª

explained to us that was something new in what began to work, had great confidence in the method and our son was his first case. Mario already had 8 years and had improved but was still learning problems despite their efforts and aid.

After hearing rehabilitation noticed the change little by little, he was seeing a gradual improvement. One year after our son re-education is another. His big changes have given self-esteem in their academic results in their relationship with other children ... but no better person to explain their experience, Mario is now a child of 10 years and he puts it this way:

It's almost been two years since I made the auditory rehabilitation. And the truth is that I feel that I improved a lot! things. For example:
- at the time of study.
writing - to read.
- when explaining something to a better understanding etc, etc ...
summarizing Well I think I've improved a lot. Mario

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Can A Queen Bed Fit In A Cargo Van U Haul

Bartolomeo Veneto

click on the images to enlarge

B: Bartolomeo Veneto (first half of XVI century) Italian painter. In his early work shows the influence of G. Bellini. As court painter in Ferrara, some rooms decorated to Lucrezia Borgia. Highlights his series of portraits of famous people of his time. **

active in northern Italy during the first decades of the sixteenth century origin and stage of training are difficult to build, the few biographical details known are those that have been inferred from the signatures, dates and inscriptions of his works. Is believed to have formed in the workshop of Giovanni Bellini and his first compositions, small paintings on religious themes, show strong influences of the work of the Venetian master and his followers. Some examples of this first period are the Madonna and Child of 1502 (private collection, Venice), and The Virgin and Child 1505 (Bergamo, Accademia Cararra)

Bartolomeo worked between 1505 and 1508 at the Este court in Ferrara During this period his painting became more decorative, and began to specialize in portraits. Padua in 1512 but was able to visit in 1520 was already established in Milan city where he enjoyed great fame and where he received many important commissions. His best known works are half-length portraits of young men, dressed in rich and sumptuous clothes to fashion, as found in the National Gallery in Washington in the Palazzo Barberini in Rome and the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston; compositions characterized by the thoroughness and detail with which they are painted fabrics and other decorative details of the garments. In the Portrait of Ludovico Martinengo (London, National Gallery), 1530, is seen as the work of Bartolomeo acquired in recent years a greater sense of volume, depth and movement, probably influenced by Titian. Never lost, no But his interest in materials processed, or their preference for dark red. The documents, which confirm his death in Turin in 1531, also suggests it may have resided in this city years before his death.
Bartolomeo worked between 1505 and 1508 at the Este court in Ferrara During this period his painting became more decorative, and began to specialize in portraits. Padua in 1512 but was able to visit in 1520 was already established in Milan city where he enjoyed great fame and where he received many important commissions. His best known works are half-length portraits of young men, dressed in rich and sumptuous clothes to fashion, as found at the National Gallery in Washington in the Palazzo Barberini in Rome and the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston; compositions distinguished by the thoroughness and detail with which they are painted fabrics and other decorative details of the garments. In the Portrait of Ludovico Martinengo (London, National Gallery), 1530, is seen as the work of Bartolomeo acquired in recent years a greater sense of volume, depth and movement, probably influenced by Titian never lost, however, interest in the materials developed, or their preference for dark red. The documents, which confirm his death in Turin in 1531, also suggests it may have resided in this city years before his death. ****

Bartolommeo Veneto (n. Venice?, Active between 1502 and 1555) was an Italian painter. Author Bio little known and ignored for a long time, attracted the attention of historians in the nineteenth century. ? ? Supposed portrait of Lucrezia Borgia painted by Bartolommeo Veneto. Städel Institute of Frankfurt. He was a pupil of Gentile Bellini in Venice and studied the developments of Durer, who lived in the city to 1506. He worked at the court of Ferrara and elsewhere. Absorbed, therefore, the influence of Lombard painters. Recently it has been suggested that collaborated with Raphael Veneto in the wall of The Mass of Bolsena, the breaks Vatican (Raphael's Rooms). Among his most important works, stands the portrait of man with sword of the National Gallery of Ancient Art in Rome (Palazzo Barberini), once attributed to Leonardo da Vinci and Hans Holbein the Younger. Figures of the gentleman and the soldier visible in the landscape are copied from an engraving by Durer, 1496. Another portrait of a man preserved in the Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, and especially relevant is Supposed portrait of Lucrezia Borgia, Städel Institute of Frankfurt, not only for his alleged identity but also for its bold nude and artistic refinement. ************


Sunday, November 7, 2010

Do North Face Jackets Say North Face On The Back?


My son has improved a lot, but not 100% and 100% and possibly never will be. Yet behind all our achievements are hard work, and I say "our" because it works both he and we (her father and I). Everything costs more than other children, but no doubt it has improved. We

over the past two years we have followed the treatments by Dr. Ferré, the optometrist Delia Garza, the osteopath Rafael Vicetto and Eva Rodriguez, trying not to overwhelm, and I can say that our son is much better.

I sat with him before doing homework, it is now more independent and makes them his own, just call me when you have questions. Exams that prepare themselves together, it costs a lot to memorize and I help him.

Last year 3 of primary term with all remarkable and outstanding as at 1 st and 2 nd his notes were very Justito being 3 º lot harder. In addition it has always been very withdrawn to interact with children, and although the topic of football is still struggling, because it's awkward, you do so, and you are constantly calling the neighbors to come down to play with them.

Pilar Lorenzo (Madrid)

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Changer Langage Port Royal 2

Frederic Bazille

click on the images to enlarge

Frédéric Bazille (1841-1870)

was born in Montpellier, France, in the bosom of a wealthy family. He studied medicine in Paris, but left the race for his great passion: painting. He met Pissarro, Monet, Renoir, Caillebotte and Sisley with which it cooperates in the development of the impressionist school, revolutionary style in the late nineteenth century. Bazille, influenced by avant-garde creator Pissarro, practice the same style of his friend but never reaches the expertise and prestige of it. Unlike classical realism that incorporates all the details, artists as Bazille, belonging at a time when the Europeans increased their pace of life and where time was scarce, were attracted to this form of painting, cutting also being realistic, the brush used to reflect the nuances of shadow volumes that I outlined, Schematic excluding stiffness earlier styles

********* *****************
Jean) Frédéric Bazille (December 6, 1841 - November 28, 1870) was a French impressionist painter known for his paintings of portraits. Born in Montpellier, Hérault, France, in the midst of a middle class Protestant family, the interested in painting after seeing some of the works of Eugène Delacroix. His family agreed to enable him to study fine arts with the condition that they also study medicine. Fréderic

began to study medicine in 1859 and moved to Paris in 1862 to continue studying. There he met Pierre-Auguste Renoir, was captivated by Impressionism and began attending classes at the studio of Charles Gleyre. By suspending his medical exams in 1864, began painting full time. Among his closest friends were Claude Monet, Alfred Sisley and Edouard Manet.
Its position in a wealthy family helped support some of these artists offering space in his studio and painting materials.
Bazille was only twenty-three when he painted several of his most famous works, including The Pink Dress. His most famous work is Family Reunion (1867 - 1868).

Frederic Bazille joined a Zouave regiment in August 1870, a month after the outbreak of the Franco-Prussian War and died in battle the same year in Beaune-la-Rolande, when only twenty-nine.