Monday, March 29, 2010

Logitech Drivers Y-sab59

National Reading Program in Guatemala

En marcha el Plan Nacional de Lectura

El Ministerio de Educación imprimió ya los primeros libros que se repartirán en las escuelas e institutos de todo el país.

Por: Marta Sandoval

EP Foto:

Literature in Guatemala is almost a luxury consumption. If a boy wants to read Livingston will have to make a long journey to the capital to buy a book or visit a library stocked moderately. The same thing happens to Mazatenango and Zacapa. Under these conditions the habit of reading is almost an odyssey. So the former education minister, Bienvenido Argueta, coordinated the editing of five collections of books will be distributed free in all schools and colleges in the country. For now, only published 10 000 copies for each grade, as part of the pilot, but project leaders hope to cover all students before the year ends.

"These books belong to the first collection of oral tradition and popular, the second poetry collection is the third story is the fourth stage and the last of this series is popular myths and legends," says Gloria Hernandez, who worked on the compilation and publication of primary material. "It is a pilot program to fine tune the way the guidelines, philosophy and action. Is attempted for the first time, first-quality books for children school age throughout the Republic, for free, "says Hernandez.

Assessments by the Ministry of Education in 2006 showed that only 24 percent of students who graduate from primary sixth reach expected levels of reading comprehension, others simply get a literal understanding and a very low speed. This happens in part by the limited access to written material.

Books for All texts for basic education are anthologies of poetry compiled by poet Francisco Morales Santos. Will include works by Luis Cardoza y Aragón, Alaíde Foppa, Miguel Angel Asturias, Javier Payet, Maurice Echeverría Isabel de los Ángeles Ruano, Alan Mills, among others.

The diversified are compilations of American literature, to present the highlights of each country in the region.

collection for pre-primary and primary consists of rhymes, tongue twisters, riddles, songs, short stories, poems and jingles. The selection was carried out by Morales Hernández and Frieda. The illustrations were done by Liliana Aldai, Teresa Fonseca and Julia Lara. -----------------------------

the Journal, March 29, 2010. p. 6

Friday, March 26, 2010

Where They Sell Uggs At


Dear Parents today you read this letter,
First let me tell you before you part of my personal experience, I present. I am the mother of three girls, I can not deny as his mother I am, there are three treasures that come my way, full of moments, some better, some less good, but all unforgettable and ask them to relive many times born.
The two largest, came into my life ago, eighteen and fifteen years. Born in a hospital to which we intimately linked and that after a few hours of waiting, you can hold in my arms. Have grown, giving more or less can, but today I can tell you are proud that they are very good people, responsible, honest, and have already shown that life can not with them, for they are many impediments along the road.
The third, came nine years ago. He landed in Calcutta, India, in the middle of our living room with four years of age. We expected a little girl, about dark-skinned, with round eyes, almost going out of their orbits. What was our surprise when we had before us was a "black china, as well the older sister described seeing his first shot. Indeed, she was a child of Nepalese origin, left the north of India and run by the Missionaries of Charity in Calcutta, to consider international adoption. And so, for she found a family, ours.
The adoption process was not easy, four and half years of waiting, lots of papers, stamps, authentication and so on until the first kiss and hug. One moment, they both had imagined, well decorated with pictures of many films on the subject we come and now I can assure you that they have nothing to do with the raw, crudísima, reality. We found a huge room, alive with the cries of other children who come to them asking when precious time, adults who fixed his gaze on all our movements poring over the meeting, and in this case, all imbued with the characteristic smell of India. That was our child. Four years and was unable to hug, kiss, barely knew how to speak, even in their own language, and also a long line of those parasites who like human hair, huge, cheerfully walked the little leader. Finally, they got rid of those images at a stroke tender and endearing to the arrival of parents fearful, anxious and excited, to an orphanage in any film studio, to find his long-awaited child.
The beginnings were hard, had to lay down rules but without giving the impression that this meant less honey, had to be taught basic principles of behavior, had to be taught to live in confidence, had to be taught to kiss, hug, love.
addition, the child was born with a cleft lip and palate, although it was initially repaired in India, needed on arrival in Spain, and still requires surgical interventions for complete normalization, by the Plastic Surgery Team Gregorio Maranon Hospital.
A wry, but more than that, an exciting work.
began attending the same school as his sisters, Salvatoris Mater College, a private school that is located on the outskirts of Madrid. It was quite an event to see a character so different from the rest, dressed in his uniform, a few crayons and a notebook, tucked into a tiny bag that she could carry a certain panache. At first it was hard to make her understand that you had to be sitting in a chair during the time that the teacher used for their explanation, that the recess was a time when you could play, Jump laugh. In order that the guardian had to spend a lot of patience, that they have and waste, try to put limits on its collegial behavior.
I have to admit that the character of the girl, makes that patience which I refer, and that all we had and still have her today, not a task too difficult. It's a girl who exudes happiness. She is very affectionate and grateful, and his little eyes so torn, continually disappear from the smile that fills his face.
Soon, we had the intuition that things were not going too well. We began to suspect that the learning process, even with the constraints of their need to adapt, it was too slow, especially in some respects. The college was at all times aware of this process and that was the second repeated kindergarten, and finally came to the first primary school. In this academic year, between the tutor of the College, professor of speech, outside the school, and we thought it was necessary to study the situation of girls, which involve neurological, psychological, ie a complete and conducted by a multidisciplinary team. We went to Denise Center Plaza, and there after examining the girl from all those points of view, we got the dreaded diagnosis: it has a mild intellectual impairment.
I can not describe to you words the feeling, rather, feelings then walked all over me. It seemed that the word mild, relieved the situation, but opposite, corresponding to a level below what until that moment I knew as people border line, ie, that was until then, I called mild. But no, my daughter has an intellectual capacity below that line. Again, my feeling was falling from the world over, your world, our world, and weigh too difficult to bear.
When you live life as I try, to the fullest, reaching the end of things and really enjoying everything, even when it hurts, is made with the same intensity. However, this vitality that fills me, makes me look at life with optimism, believing that however great the obstacle in front of you, you can always have a trampoline at hand, to help us cope. In hard times, one must stop at the failure, disappointment, just ten minutes, in which cries, kicks and feel very unhappy. After those ten minutes if more time passes, missing a lot of life into something that is not worth ten minutes are enough to self-pity. You have to keep pulling to the front. Much remains to be done, many decisions to make and in this case, much love to give.
So, as I say, after my ten minutes, I have to confess that maybe some more, we got down to work. Our first thought and is still with us today is to try to make the most of it. We do not know what or where is your limit, but clearly this is where we will and must go.
The first decision was we had very clear from the beginning, had to change the child's school. As explained at the Mater, the Director of the Centre, on behalf of teachers and their own, informed us that the girl could stay there, they were all willing to do whatever was necessary for the child reached the highest level possible. What accompanied it feels in the midst of the problems, the support of others is so great!
We chose, despite his insistence, by switching to a specialized center for this problem. We believe that the situation needed some special care and attention by qualified personnel and, above all, and would get better on their progress.
Finally, after giving more than one lap, Denise enrolled in the Center Plaza. Change was very hard for everyone. First, she met with the separation of her sisters during school hours, separation from her friends who had accompanied her from the start of his collegiate career, also thanks to his outgoing nature, the whole world knew Mater. Even today when we go to some act together, recognize and call by name. It was also hard for their sisters, they, from the beginning were delighted to get all three at cole. Actually, thinking with your child's mentality had to be attractive and exotic, a sister of another country, with such marked racial traits. And finally, we were also spend one more drink. The reason for the change, the worst. But also schedules, routes, had to reset everything, and suddenly, everything became big, huge.
The Center's work with her is great and has gotten progress and achieve goals that seemed at first suspected that he might attain. However, our concern, we had to watch for any news, any comments about other opportunities to cater for our daughter.
That's how one evening, with background TV in the lounge, my oldest daughter called my attention to a Visual Therapy Center who directed Ms. Pilar Vergara, located in Pozuelo de Alarcón, and that seemed to address similar problems of his sister.
A new light was lit on the hard road of disability. We contacted her, and with a sweetness that only he feels the problem can be transmitted, we noted the possibility that she saw the therapy of our child. Before starting the therapy, we derived the Music Therapy Center Santa Teresa (the hearing rehabilitation center conducts the Tomatis method) , located in Alcorcón. We went to them and begin this new journey.
I have to confess, that the beginnings were at all uncertain and certainly, perhaps because of my scientific mind, without much hope of success. Everything I heard seemed to me that belonged more to the world of esotericism, a therapy that, as I understood so far.
When we finish the music therapy, my daughter had advanced. Was able to speak clearly, and his attitude was calm, his movements more rested.
So far from abandoning this path, my disbelief, we started with very encouraging aspects of vision therapy. Therapy lasted
forty-seven sessions, which involved about a year and a half working with her. Has been to go once a week at Centro and then, perform daily exercises at home. We had to work very hard because the level of the departed was very low, but it was worth.
The evolution of the girl has been really spectacular. I remember in the first evaluation was done at the Centre, that she was totally unable to follow with the look, the circular motion with an object he proposed. I had not fallen much less of that, or a thousand other things that they were all partly to blame for the delay in other areas of knowledge. When you have returned to take the exam, a year ago, she has acquired this and other skills, which is reflected in the improvement in reading, sentence construction management and, finally, she has greatly improved after this treatment.
We have completed, so far with vision therapy, and there is still a severe language disorder that makes it impossible to move forward. Still, we continue to work these issues and we started with a speech therapist particular twice a week working at home with her. It is a true professional is that at first, I told you that along with the College Mater Salvatoris showed us the convenience of studying in depth the case of the girl.
the moment, what is clear is that anything that involves stimulation will benefit in some way.
Anyway, I think I have a little longer, but only intend to share my experience with all you read my testimony today.
I would not want anyone to read my words, I had the impression that the situation of my daughter, I have overcome. No, not at all. Is assumed because there is no alternative, is what I have, but not is an accepted condition. I keep dropping the world over every time I think about the problem of my daughter's disability. I get a knot in my stomach every time I have to deal with a report of the College on a conversation with any therapist. There are so many unknowns still unsolved! I get so scared thinking about the future ... what happens when you need to find a way of life? Will there be independent? And when I'm gone?
also tell you, these questions give me enough courage to get up every morning wanting to fight for what is best for her and loving her life above all else.

Cristina (Madrid)

Thursday, March 25, 2010



Thanks to a prestigious neurologist took my nine-year-old Vision Therapy Center Skeffington.

My daughter is adopted from the nine months and little by little we realized that learning was slower, and everything related to school work is increasingly complicated.

After several studies, they determined that he had learning difficulties and visual stress.

advised me to attend this school and in just 21 sessions of treatment carry my daughter the results are magnificent, and not only at school but also to levels of behavior. It has been a radical change not only for herself but for the rest of the family.

I hope that this story can help many people who are in a situation similar to mine and have questions about the treatment.

I want to thank the Skeffington Center for the professionalism and good work done with my daughter. Especially as its director Patricia Pilar Vergara.

Begoña (Madrid)

How To Avoid Wide Hips

55. GET A FREE STRABISMUS unnecessary surgery

My daughter is 11 years old and was diagnosed with intermittent strabismus in both eyes, the only solution they gave me ophthalmologists Hospital Puerta de Hierro in Madrid, was having surgery .

I was at the center of vision therapy to solve a problem of learning another of my daughters, and when the director of Vision Therapy Center Skeffington Pilar, looked into the eyes of my daughter, she realized the problem of strabismus and I had recommended a type of specialized therapy. Sincerely

doubted the solution offered to me but not lose anything by trying and I can tell you that in just 4 months of treatment, strabismus is gone, is now just a couple of months as a backup. The results are superb.

I encourage everyone who has any type of strabismus, try to use this type of therapy before reaching a unnecessary surgery.

My deepest thanks to Patricia and Pilar.

Regards, Begoña

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Example Of An Interest Letter

day LIJ

From 23 to 28 February in the city of Santiago de Chile, held the First Latin American Congress on Language and Literature for Children and Youth-CILELIJ-organized by SM Foundation and the Directorate of Libraries, Archives and Museums (DIBAM) of Chile first of its kind, it is proposed to give an overview of Children's Literature (LIJ) Iberoamericana, both geographically (all English-speaking countries plus Brazil) and historical (past, present and guidance for future).
Within this framework, in addition to conferences, dialogues and exchanges in the world of the LIJ, there were two works of great importance for gender: the first was the Great Dictionary of American Authors of Children's Literature , the second the History of Children's Literature in Latin America.

In the first book, stands for the first time, "who's who of Latin America in the LIJ, walking through each and every one of the countries of English and Portuguese, from the origins of LIJ today. Of each author includes a biography, an analysis of major works and news from the rest, and a critical assessment. The work is a collaborative effort of a group of experts from all countries LIJ Latin America, coordinated by Jaime Garcia Padrino, Professor of Language Teaching at the University Complutense of Madrid.

The second work, includes a vast research on the history of Latin American LIJ from the prehispanic world to date. The material gathered has been ordered from Mexico to Patagonia, passing by all the countries of Central America, the Caribbean and South America, including Brazil. This work was reallizado by the writer Manuel Peña Muñoz of Chile.

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The Great Dictionary American Authors of Children's Literature , I was left to me, developing the bio-bibliographical and critical files of the authors of Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras and Nicaragua, where he also had the valuable collaboration of writer and historian Carlos Salvador Cañas-Dinarte and Luis Baez de Nicaragua.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Cocker Spaniel Dragging Butt

The selection of readings for children, 1937

almost coincides with the publication that did a few days ago about the problem of recreational Ibro in Guatemala, issued a note of the secretary of public education, addressed to the Postmaster General, with instructions to avoid entering the country journal "Paquin", "Pepin", "Hands Up", "Chamaco" and other similar publications that are published abroad and in recent times have achieved an enormous circulation in this city, especially among children age esoclar, for whom, according to the text of the order before us, the genre of literature that continienen is downright harmful.
understand that Mr. Villacorta to specify the names of the journals that are declared prohibited, it did after careful consideration of the artwork and literature that is inserted therein, to determine that assiduous reading is actually a positive mental health risk small student but add to the list the concept that has also prohibit the entry of other "like" us little doubt arises: What organization or institution will be authorized to qualify the "likeness" to offer other foreign publications? Is the Public Education Secretariat itself or mailing address? The matter apparently trivial, is very important from the standpoint of educational and cultural. Our readers know that among the long list of books, pamphlets and magazines are here, there is a considerable number of reads perfectly suited to the children's minds and that, far from prohibited should be disclosed by all means possible and be protected in their movement as they are developed by real children's literature specialists, storytellers and artists of international renown.
Well, as we are confident that our authorities have not ever thought of making a clean sweep in all publications for children, which now stands out as required as a complement to comment on is the immediate organization of a committee of teachers competent, whose sound discretion and love of teaching entrusted the delicate task of selecting the readings to be put into the hands of children and adolescents, after careful examination of books, newspapers and magazines sent to them the booksellers in the country, and noted at the same time, that his trial would violate the precepts ruled out teaching.
is complete an educational guidance work in every way. Apart from the propaganda that will undoubtedly make the book sales for all work that has had the "pass" of the committee, parents can turn to her for advice on recreational reading more appropriate to make available to their children. And the commission, to give an answer, would not just give a list of titles and authors, but in each case would learn vocational skills of children: What is fond of travel, or has a predilection for geographical discoveries? Well recommend such and such works at that contains stories of that kind. What are you passionate mechanics? Well, instructive and entertaining books to make plans on the subject. And so, in all branches of human knowledge.
The operation of the commission we suggest has the advantage of not represent any payment for the state. It would be honorary positions, and work, beautiful work by the way, what would its members in hours of rest because it would be read only and read books with the most beautiful genre that exists in the literature and keep in touch with parents family. Needless to say that the material Books and other publicacaiones, it would be provided free of charge pro bookstores, either in the way of gift or returnable basis, as decided by the secretariat of the branch, but preferably the former, in just reward for the important work entrusted to him.
Do not you think the lawyer that this initiative Villacorta is viable and worthy of being taken into account? -----------------------------------

editorial in The Liberal Progressive, August 1937. p. 3.

----------------------------------- NOTE: If this had been accomplished, albeit minimally we would not be at this point trying to do a thousand and one projects and similar programs involving their main objective the awakening of the taste for reading, creating reading habits and encourage reading of books for children, mainly.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Domadiary Datenut Bread


therapies met almost by chance. In a doctor's office, a mother with a troubled son also told us that Rosina Uriarte know much about alternative therapies and from there I contacted her. Gave me a lot of information on all therapies, of which I was informing me what it was each, the duration of treatment, price, etc..

From year to year and a half my son did not speak or chattering, no finger pointing, gesturing not neither confirm nor deny his head. If I wanted to ask did not know anything, as it stood before her and cried, besides being a child too passive and uncommunicative. They did an MRI of skull and a genetic study, which went well. A neorólogo, dared to say that our son might be autistic and request the certificate of decline, which gave us a diagnosis of PDD.

Our first visit was to ask the dr. Ferré, and as expected started Tomatis therapy and after a month Padovan. Dr. Ferré Pau said we had a head lock and locking occipito-parieto-temporal and non-motor maturation stage of soil (which made it difficult language). He also had a lot of mucus in the ear and more than once ENT told us it necessary to operate and make some drainage.

We recommended to consult an osteopath, follow Tomatis and Padovan and homeopathy to ventilate the ear and remove mucus.

My son is now 2.5 years and the change has been dramatic. Dr. .. Yves Castaing, the osteopath, told us he had a lock on the left side that will affect the language and communication. Today is
a child fully communicative, active, playing with her older sister, has dramatically improved driving level, the mucus has been removed due to homeopathy and now begins to speak through Padovan .. Leads to osteopathy and 6 sessions and each time the block is lower. In the nursery

told us that they see as a perfectly normal child with a slight delay in language, but in the class have another child who also says 5 words and does not care much.

The psychologist is saying it still has some delay and some symbolic play but had to admit that the change has done is great, because they are not to be very keen of these therapies to say. The neurologist better not to talk, and told me not to stop going to the psychologist and that if he could keep throwing money into therapies (incidentally, Padovan did not know what it was).

I encourage all parents to continue fighting for their children and do not lose hope, because it will eventually get very good results.

What hurts me most is knowing that there are these therapies that are so successful and that many parents do not even know they exist.

If you want to contact me, write to PARENTS ALTERNATIVES (address next to the profile).

Anna (Barcelona)

Friday, March 5, 2010

Blue Volleyball Ribbons For Hair

Racks of CILELIJ, February 23, 2010.

Literature is an infinite round box containing the feelings, beliefs, feelings and experiences of mankind throughout history. At the time that each of us opens the case prodigious start to become aware of himself and the world around him. Recognize the characters in a story, show distant realities delve into the human essence through reading allows us to evolve as more complete human beings, better able to understand our environment. The literature is like children in that both are pure magic. And precisely this affinity arises intangible children's literature. Along with other new concepts such as rights of children, or children's toy, children's literature emerged in the early twentieth century as unlimited possibility to promote human development from its earliest years.

Although children and young people are the greatest treasure of our planet, the reading material has not been relevant as it should. Thus, the origins of children's literature, its history, its future and, in general, an overview of this genre from the views of geographical and historical topics were the core of the First Iberoamerican Congress on Children's Literature. The event took place from 24 to 26 February because he was interrupted by a totally unexpected cataclysm. The activities would end on Sunday 28 with a varied program for children of all ages.

I was excited to participate in the Ibero-American meeting point for two reasons, initially. The first was to accompany my friend Frieda Morales boat to receive recognition for participating in research and authorship of the Great Dictionary of American Authors of Children's Literature coordinated by Jaime Godfrey. Work of the utmost importance that, with history of Children's Literature in Latin America Manuel Peña Muñoz, were the most anticipated and celebrated books of the Congress. Secondly, was my growing interest in a genre which I have come, as all by puritita intuition. Meet other writers, the great and the beginning, their experiences, their views and their works are now very important in my development experience to weigh my first attempts in this field.

Later, at the end of last year, the interest became a necessity. Came a unique opportunity to work on a National Reading Programme, from the overall design of it until the books that children will use the manuals for teachers and workshops with all groups involved in the process. The temptation to put all my heart, experience and effort put into a work available to the millions of children and young Guatemalan quality reading material was too large. In addition, the opportunity to work with highly capable and fully progressive vision of the project, as in Children's Literature Dr. Frieda Morales Boat Doctor of Philosophy and Education Welcome Argueta eventually convinced. It was therefore necessary to find and add the experiences of other authors and academics in the process of strengthening the reading in Latin America to my experience as an author of textbooks and literary works.

The Congress was organized by SM Foundation and Directorate of Libraries, Archives and Museums of Chile and included two modules, one academic and one cultural. The opening night on Wednesday, 24, was truly magical. The Board Hall National Museum of Fine Arts in Santiago Forest Park shone as never before. The lights of the chandeliers hanging from the ceiling with glow competed as a creator of fantastic characters. Everything was ready to receive us. A few hundred people gathered to celebrate together a literary genre that is identified and differs only by taking into account the age of the reader. In all other respects, namely the aesthetic, conceived and produced as in other literature. The inaugural address, We are what we read, was led by Antonio Skarmeta writers Juan Villoro Chile and Mexico. It reflected on the importance of the first readings in lives of individuals and of peoples. Then came a cocktail party where we know and recognize scholars and authors as Papelucho flagship characters, Barbuchín, noses, Emilia, Minino Maluquinho, Matilda and many others.

Thursday and Friday were spent reviewing the past Children's Literature and Youth (LIJ), to synthesize it and rank it. Especially, we tried an awareness of aspects singularized, its lights and shadows. Knowing where we came from and what history teaches us and synthesize the Latin American children's literature allowed us to reflect on continuity en el siglo que corre. Para ello, se abordaron temas como “Independencia, ciudadanía y literatura infantil,” “Los orígenes de la literatura infantil en España y en América Latina,” “Nombres y títulos señeros de la LIJ ,” “Hacia un canon de la LIJ ,” “Historia de la ilustración y la edición infantil,” entre otros varios. En seguida, se abordó el presente de la LIJ en Iberoamérica con la intención de analizar el estado actual del género: autores, ilustradores, temática, tendencias, estilos e iniciativas más exitosas a favor de la LIJ. Al respecto se themes like "A global view of the LIJ ," "Trends by name," "Challenges and results," "plans, programs and institutional experiences of reading," and "Self-criticism," among others. Moreover, in these days there were History and Dictionary above with all the ceremony and celebration they deserve. With this overview of past and present of the LIJ , dinner and retired to rest on Friday night. On Saturday it was his turn to the future: the potential for development and promotion of key players in the LIJ , ie, teachers and promoters critics, librarians, researchers and the Web and other technological innovations.

The morning we were surprised in the midst of complete darkness. A deafening noise and awareness we finally enveloped thousands of people equally. Chilean and non-condensate share the eternal horror in ninety seconds. The screaming, crying, crying out prayers because we dispense life added to the grinding of glass and the rumble of the ground all comin 'worked as a soundtrack for a scene out of The Twilight Zone. A thick layer of dust is not permitted to recognize anything. The perplexity of having survived, after a few moments later the earthquake, deeply shocked us all. At that time, little did we know that the beautiful Museum of Fine Arts had been partially destroyed and the homeless. A few hours earlier, all participants in the Congress had been meeting there. Some talk of spirits, other guardian angels, others of God as their personal mythologies. The truth is that life gave us another chance and that's the most important. The aftermath of the cataclysm, the sixth largest earthquake of recent History, provided a poignant existential experience. A friend told me that after a tragedy, for a few moments, sometimes days, "all become good. " It was.

SM Foundation and Plaza San Francisco hotel and staff exceeded their considerations and hospitality to foreigners. Congress, of course, was suspended. Representatives of most embassies and consular corps of the countries represented at the event were aware of their countrymen the day Saturday, despite having suffered material losses themselves. Some did not have the same fate. The Salvadoran, Guatemalan and Bolivian women we wait to heed our calls and electronic entry. I do not know why, I feel that Haitians have been in Congress, had suffered the same fate. But that's not important now. Subsequently, our families, the SM Foundation , friends in our countries and the Embassy of Mexico gave us the emotional support we needed at that time. Frieda Morales, Irene Piedra Santa and I have cared for each other accordingly. All the efforts of our people to get us out of this city were in vain. We are scheduled to arrive in our countries next week. All others, Dominican, Venezuelan, Argentinian, English, Mexican and Brazilian came through the efforts of their governments.

In subsequent informal meetings, the topic was the same. We reviewed over and over again the moment of truth. That moment when we face the solitude of death, the possibility of the final minutes. During meals, some spoke of their families, others from God, some of its books half as the images that accompanied us on this evidence we perceive to be the last. After the tears, as good American, we opted for the jokes and funny anecdotes. We are brothers, we sympathize. However, with the passing of days, some sooner than others, we returned to our anxieties, our fears, our foibles, our mediocrity. Nothing is new. Witnessed in many ways the facets of human nature.

Maybe we win by losing. We are the last in line to get to our homes, it is true. But now I write this note, I remember that we have an appointment at a parish in downtown Santiago to go to pack food, clothes and medicines at a gathering of Red Cross and thus an opportunity to help Chileans who behaved so well with us. The earthquake still vibrates within us a note inaudible but quite accurate. Connoisseurs say that the quake caused the earth come into harmony. People we live in this disaster gave us the same. We feel reborn, in perfect peace, eager to acknowledge and live .

----------------------------------- Written by Gloria Hernandez, Santiago de Chile, 2010 .