Monday, December 27, 2010

Where To Get Rare Tech Decks


Another year ends ... a difficult year which have survived. Another begins, and brings a sack full of hope that hopefully last us a lot. It is a year of important decisions, an election year ... May God enlighten us!

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Animals courts Rafael

Garcia Goyena

dramatization of Manuel Galich


León Gallo

Dog Cat


Rapporteur: In many animals

endless complaints and long

memorials go to León, asking him to form

new laws and reformed code.

The Lion then full justice,

summons to court in entertaining site: Leon

: Well, gentlemen, given how many things have explained on several occasions, I , the Lion, by the grace of God, king of the jungle and the thick gray animal, I agreed to meet three members of each species, to give their views on behalf of their fellows. So we are pleased to see gathered together the cream of the kingdom: the burning Toro, the Jaco warrior, the fierce tiger, panther, bear, hare, deer, Dain, the Retriever, Sheep, Ram, the Pig, Wile E. Coyote and the Pollino. I would like to hear from those present. Gallo

: I ask the floor. Leon

: The representative has the Gallo. Gallo

: Ahem! Lord king of beasts, representatives of the other species, on behalf of poultry, particularly of gallinaceous birds, I will afford to expose our opinion in that regard. Our species, gentlemen, besides other great services, has a virtue to the world: the heat, constant vigilance in defense of property of others ...

Dog: I ask the floor. Gallo

: I'm talking about me. Dog

: word I ask for the order. Leon

: In this case, is the representative dog. Dog

: Gentlemen Gallo representative departs from the main point. We did not come here to make an apology for our respective species. Gallo

: I have not made any apology. Leon

: Gallo representative are cautioned that should not stop. Gallo

: All for the love of God. I will not say "• This bill is mine", even if it is ... They say that at peak sink ships ...

Dog: Well done. Well, gentlemen, as I was saying, Dog has what no men to boast of more perfect, can count among its virtues minimum. I mean loyalty. Who better than us, is careful to the point, dedicated to the sacrifice, sincere to the incredible, straight up ...? Cat

: word I ask for the order. Leon

: call on the representative Cat. Cat

: The representative Dog, falls into the same fault just blame Mr. Gallo. Immoderately commended the qualities of his kind, and although they are not false, I think we have not met for fire engine, but to improve our overall condition. For my part I would suggest that is appropriate to discuss what action should be taken ...

All : Good thinking. Well said. It is the most successful. Leon

: gentlemen are asked if the motion of the Cat. Cat

: Del Gato representative, if Mr. Leon has it right.

Leon : Sorry, a little slip of the tongue. Do you agree?

All : SIIIII ...! Leon

: Now please give your opinion in that regard, the representative Cat. Cat

: Gustosísimo, gustosísimo Lord King Lion. I think it must be combated, preferably, licentious habits of some animals. Delivered to entertainment wildly unwise, and not afraid to incur the sin of licentiousness. To avoid this ...

Lobo : Excuse intervene as outburst. I'm not one who will dare contradict Parliament as wise, or even raise my voice as dark as selected distinguished assembly. But I think, saving the best understanding of course that is not the free ride and more mundane treatment what should pursue, but theft, robbery, theft and kidnapping. There is, and it is regrettable to say much about it among ourselves. If Mr. Leon would give a law to that effect ...

Leon : for me ... But it should say the majority. Mouse

: I ask the floor. Leon

: does, representative mouse. Mouse

: I agree with what was said by the Wolf. Can not be otherwise. I propose to be expelled from the countryside and towns, those who have such reprehensible conduct. Some

: Okay.

Other : is absurd. No, no, no ...


: Order, order, gentlemen. Anyone wishing to speak to ask first call. Gallo

: I love her, Mr. Leon. Leon

: have it, then. Gallo

: Honorable animal representation, but promised not to talk, I will. In principle we all agree on one thing, and it is this: we must improve our moral condition, combat vice and encouraging virtue.

All : Very good, very good. Gallo

: and I am grateful. Now, if we agree in principal, there is much discrepancy in the accessory. This is in the process of realization as good purposes.

All : is right, right. Gallo

: my part I believe that the problem in any case, there is no gravity. His solution is simple. Take away their superiority to the animals stronger, this will be bloody. Not having that horrible classification and weaknesses, and all being equal in resources and possibilities of defense, I think that will disappear threats and attacks. I propose therefore, decreed that the law of equality.

All : Bravo! Bravo! Very good, very good. (Prolonged ovation.)

Leon : Please, gentlemen, a moment. Fair and has won deserved applause Mr. MP Gallo, the string sound and motion. I consider it appropriate, then, proceed to draft the decree, save, given the unanimous approval and spontaneous here, the requirement of the discussion. I would question whether they all agree on that.

All : Yeah, yeah, yeah ...

Leon : Gentlemen, having come to an agreement, thanks to the talented Gallo, come Recast pen and paper or text and I sign it willingly.

Rapporteur: (and the fabulous and the event is referring.)

"For interest each,

by the other drones, and rogues,

equal sanction the decree.

And then the king lead with respect.

signed his majesty, and the assembly

echo the applause of the idea. "

But when the joy is greater and the representatives are prepared to leave the room, yells the Mouse:


: Eh! Mr. Leon, Mr. Leon. Your order is useless, not says. Inequality is maintained. Prevalences have not disappeared. See, with me, Mr. Cat, whose nails are still something like what humans called sword of Damocles. Why not be necessary to strip of her natural weapons to the kingdom? Leon

: Friend Mouse, I can not reach it. If we all said the same, congratulations, but that does not entail any obligation to amend the map to our Mother Nature. Such a claim would be childish and ridiculous. What she did in a manner and distributed to the other, can not be changed by decree. Retain the Bull horns, the hooves Mule, Tigre and their sharp Gato nails, teeth and I Lobo my strength. Things remain as Nature made them, as we found a way to level the kingdom, and do it that way, a beautiful reality, which by now is not utopia but charming and plausible purpose. Maybe in the future, all can be effectively equal.

Rapporteur: fabulist does not say what was the end of the session, but one can assume that things did not change anything. Goyena Garcia scored only if, in four verses:

" never came to see experience

but left with fruit this statement:

No legislator, yet profound,

the world can match . "


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