Thursday, October 28, 2010

Changer Langage Port Royal 2

Frederic Bazille

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Frédéric Bazille (1841-1870)

was born in Montpellier, France, in the bosom of a wealthy family. He studied medicine in Paris, but left the race for his great passion: painting. He met Pissarro, Monet, Renoir, Caillebotte and Sisley with which it cooperates in the development of the impressionist school, revolutionary style in the late nineteenth century. Bazille, influenced by avant-garde creator Pissarro, practice the same style of his friend but never reaches the expertise and prestige of it. Unlike classical realism that incorporates all the details, artists as Bazille, belonging at a time when the Europeans increased their pace of life and where time was scarce, were attracted to this form of painting, cutting also being realistic, the brush used to reflect the nuances of shadow volumes that I outlined, Schematic excluding stiffness earlier styles

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Jean) Frédéric Bazille (December 6, 1841 - November 28, 1870) was a French impressionist painter known for his paintings of portraits. Born in Montpellier, Hérault, France, in the midst of a middle class Protestant family, the interested in painting after seeing some of the works of Eugène Delacroix. His family agreed to enable him to study fine arts with the condition that they also study medicine. Fréderic

began to study medicine in 1859 and moved to Paris in 1862 to continue studying. There he met Pierre-Auguste Renoir, was captivated by Impressionism and began attending classes at the studio of Charles Gleyre. By suspending his medical exams in 1864, began painting full time. Among his closest friends were Claude Monet, Alfred Sisley and Edouard Manet.
Its position in a wealthy family helped support some of these artists offering space in his studio and painting materials.
Bazille was only twenty-three when he painted several of his most famous works, including The Pink Dress. His most famous work is Family Reunion (1867 - 1868).

Frederic Bazille joined a Zouave regiment in August 1870, a month after the outbreak of the Franco-Prussian War and died in battle the same year in Beaune-la-Rolande, when only twenty-nine.


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