Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Letter Of Motivation In Culinary Arts

74. The return trip

the return trip Autism is treatable. Recovery is possible.

This blog tells the story of a family that one day he faced the difficult diagnosis of Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD) and now can count on your child's recovery through the Biomedicine. Intended to be a light in the way of so many lost parents today live a similar story. Intended to convey a message of hope by telling the other side of autism, that to which the official medicine is giving back.

OUR HISTORY (Summary of text sent to parents with alternatives, you can read the original post )

A happy baby
Dani, my second son, was born on April 9, 2008, in a beautiful part where I experienced the thrill of seeing it reach the world from my fullness and maturity as a mother. It was a macrosomic child, weighed 4 kilos 300 grams. The birth was long and costly, and sometime stained fluid and was thought to intervene with oxygen. But finally, Daniel chose to leave and was born without a cesarean section or forceps or vacuum intervention. He went out and wept like a great warrior, fighting his first big battle ...

The journey
One day (not sure exactly which one) everything changed. It is difficult to date the change because it does not happen suddenly. If you remember the day when, for the first time, you stop, take air and dare you to ask yourself if all goes well. Remember "the epoch" in which start suspicions. Remember moments and fragments: the beginning of the journey into the unknown ... Goodbye

Dani game in those days went to a nursery where, through a system of surveillance cameras connected to your computer, follow the child could from home. I could hardly see it because it was working. But my mother, I do watch the child every day, was the first person to tell me that he spent the morning hanging around a column hardly do anything else. First sign that I shook the heart ...

making our lives And one day I realized the most brutal of all: silence. Where was the cheerful voice of my child? Where had gone to his first words? That day you wake up for real and realize that your child no longer speaks. Has fallen in absolute silence. I had forgotten the language, he swallowed the same sink it is absorbing to him ...

A drugged brain
There are many other reminders of home from that trip to the nightmare that accompanied me all my life. I remember his particular way to mourn when angry. Began to emit a strange cry, which left some deep and unknown involves a hollow cry, like an echo in a cave, more like an animal or a strange creature, that of a baby. When I heard mourn and frightened me. Did not recognize him. Now I know who my child was not crying, but a brain on drugs. But I was still a long way to find out ...

Days of anguish I also recall Dani attached to their "objects", trying to charge him 10 or 15 strollers while, of course, ended up in the soil. And I remember sitting in his chair in a state of extreme passivity, staring at the TV, without paying attention to anything else, completely mesmerized, as the one on drugs, without eye contact, no response to my voice, my attempts to contact him. Sometimes reached the street and ran to embrace him, kissing him. But he neither looked at me. Watching television remained impassive, as if I were not there ...

What's happening One day you wake up and say to yourself that something is happening must begin to shape your fears, you must give voice to your distress, you verbalize, find, ask, share.
first thing I do is available on the Internet. I meet two key words that changed my life, "developmental delay." Is a thread that shot and discover a whole skein ...

March 2010. Dani is about two years old, but its development seems to have stopped many months ago. I go to the pediatrician and I state the problem. Downplayed, reassured me that "we speak", which probably is one of those children who are delayed a bit in the acquisition of language and nothing else (I open a parenthesis to comment that this attitude, so often repeated in the outpatient clinics of our country, is one of the first obstacles to be faced by parents of children with developmental disorders. The total ignorance of the pediatrician in recognizing such a case for urgent referral to specialists, in many cases delay the onset of diagnosis and therefore early attention they need our children. A fatal error that is at a premium, and that the intervention of the TGD time is precious and every minute of delay has negative consequences for the future development of children) ...

A long journey and begin all analysis. The results of hearing tests are normal, and just reflect a nature so mild hearing loss (due to bronchial infections boxes and mucus) that no doctor gives importance. It confirms what we already suspected: Dani has no problem of deafness, and lack of response to stimuli is not caused by hearing impairment ...

The Phantom of the TGD
But then, with the arrival of summer, begin the "other" assessments of the health of my child, from psychological and psychiatric area. This is when a ghost called Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD) is installed in our lives ...

A record on a table
I can not devote the same words of gratitude to the following professional who we had visited on our journey: the speech of the Rehabilitation section of a public hospital whose name I do not remember. With this visit we were not so lucky. Had high expectations for it. Took months awaiting this event, turning it all my dreams and hopes for the recovery of my child. But that summer morning when I left there with a lump in my throat, I realized that the visit had proved unsuccessful. I met a "professional" more concerned about his imminent departure of holiday by the silence of my son ...

Time is Gold
Our journey from consultation to consultation continued. It was the turn of the child psychiatrist. We were fortunate to be served without waiting, as Dr. Nuria Naranjo is first cousin of my husband, and received us as we call it. After a long interview with her, which describe the entire evolution of Dani, agreed that seemed to be a case of PDD. Although Dani begin in the Therapy of ULL in September, the doctor saw fit to use the time and refer to another child therapy with children with PDD during the month of August. In all that we said, I clung to the following words: "Dani's future depends on what you do with it in the next 3 or 4 years. Now, your brain has plasticity and can intervene more successfully. Then everything will be structured and more rigid and difficult. " That message stuck with me to fire and gave me strength to continue ...

When your plane does not come to Italy
Early August 2010. These are days of silent tears. The events overwhelm me. Despite many months I have been struggling with a strength that astonishes me, and swearing to myself that I will not fail (because my son needs me strong and whole), there are times when the forces stumble and I fall apart. Me doy cuenta de que llevo muchos meses de angustia contenida, de que ni siquiera me he permitido a mí misma llorar, de que no me he dado un tiempo personal de duelo en el que asumir las cosas y tratar de encajar lo que nos está ocurriendo...

La reacción
Y fue así como un buen día (¡bendito día!) me desperté y me sequé las lágrimas. Me ayudó mucho un vídeo con el que me crucé en Internet (el destino siempre pone en tu camino las pistas que debes descifrar), en el que una madre guerrera hablaba de su pequeña niña diagnosticada a los dos años con un TGD. Y decía: “es bueno llorar, pero no te puedes perder demasiado en ese tiempo…Porque while I'm crying, my daughter is alone, and every minute that I invest in my tears is a minute to lose to help "...

An amazing connection I left tabs on the internet. I wanted to know all about autism. Every day and every night I would spend hours and hours reading as much information as I crossed the road on TGDs children. Wanted to know what was being investigated now, what the latest studies, what other professionals had to say outside Spain ... I wanted to know and learn and know everything that I had heard ...
And then I went into the story of that child and I thought Dani recognize almost everything there is referenced. The article, we cure Autism for our son, spoke of a child suffering digestive disorders and chronic diarrhea, which was convulsed with a fever of 40 degrees after receiving the vaccine Sarup (English MMR) at 15 months, episode after which lost the language and social skills, which had developed a "cerebral allergy" to milk and dairy products ... He also said that once her mother discovered the influence of diet on the behavior of their son had tried to withdraw the milk, cheese, crackers and everything that was part of their daily diet, with amazing results. Miles began to recover as I stopped eating certain foods. Slowly back the words at the beginning, so little audible. And one day, finally, in a clear and forceful. It was the day that Miles looked at his mother's eyes and said, pointing to a doll, "" Wook, Mommy issa Tywannosaurus Wex! " (Look mom, is a Tyrannosaurus Rex). "That was the beginning of his salvation. And not only that of Miles, but the thousands of children worldwide ...

A pandemic called 'autism'
What nobody told me is that autism is now one of the greatest epidemics of the century. No disease it has grown worldwide. Previously, 1 in 10,000 children was autistic. Today, 1 in 166 ...

The tip of the iceberg
One of the first things we are discovering is that a disease that grows in this rit-mo can not just be due to genetic causes. Has begun investigating how many of these children have in common and has been a common denominator in all of them: the majority occurring during the first year of life a picture of chronic infections (otitis, respiratory tract infections, pneumonia, bronchiolitis ...), as are children born with weak immune systems and damaged, say much more fragile than the other (ie, have no immunity).
This results in several things ...

vaccine has already been made a lot of research with these children (those who develop regressive autism) and has found that everyone has the same intestinal problems (chronic diarrhea or severe constipation boxes, hyperplasia lifoindea intestinal infections very serious bacterial, candidiasis and all types of fungi and yeasts adhering to the intestinal wall, intestinal inflammations and other ...). It has also been determined that all are immunosuppressed or have metabolic problems and difficulties in removing toxins (genetic faults in certain enzymes that generate very serious nutritional deficiencies for the brain, which are sub-fed and poorly oxygenated, ie as "high" and running "at half ")... DAN Protocol

I started reading all studies of ARI: The Autism Research Institute, which is now the No. 1 institution in U.S. autism. He also studies at Harvard University. And for the first time I knew what it was DAN movement, whose initials correspond to DEFEAT AUTISM NOW ("Stop Autism Now"). Is a global medical movement, as a result of all this research, designed intervention protocol for childhood autism in this new biomedical perspective, preventing the disease continues to trip, and assuming that the real causes lie in a metabolic problem (enzymatic and immunological defects) and not in a mental plane (which has not reached to give an explanation for autism spectrum disorders, beyond the "mysterious and unknown origin" and the forecast of "no cure, is for life"). DAN protocol are joining worldwide, and increasingly, thousands of health professionals based on the premise that autism and other PDD children in general can be diagnosed from analytical and biochemical evidence (and not with clinical diagnoses based on psychiatric observation), since under the tip of the iceberg of an underlying neurological disorder, metabolic disease and intestinal ...

The return trip
From August 10 everything changed for us. Dani stopped eating gluten, soy and casein. Substitute wheat for corn. Cow's milk almond milk or rice. The supermarket by herbalists. The chemical-based food, packaged or preservatives for a completely natural diet. They were hard times to adapt to many changes. My son had to give up all that food he loved and which had become addicted. And this is never easy, not a psychological or economic status. But I can only say that every effort was worth it. The results were astonishing.
After 2 weeks of starting the diet, my son started to imitate the sound of animals: cow, wolf, dog, cat, rooster, horse, pig.
At 3 weeks, came the first words: ma (mother), Pa (father), water, bread ... I can not describe in words what I felt the day he called me again Dani. Can you imagine the tears of emotion shed at home ... I do not remember what it was like the sound of her voice! And then life would back her sweet little voice, which sounded like a magic flute ...

Eye Blind. Closed minds.
I say that some doctors are blind because they have felt in our own flesh ...

Homeopathy vs. 'other'
live a very similar experience with their pediatrician. During the first year of life for my baby, when my son had become a chronic patient of the bronchi, while living attached to a respirator and pullmicort Ventolin, when every week was medicated with corticosteroids, bronchodilators and oral antibiotics that were sweeping and damaging the intestinal flora immune system seriously, when his body had become a continuous lung crackles, a factory unstoppable infectious mucus exploited for any site (ear, eye ...), always on the verge of pneumonia, and when it was obvious that was not responding to such treatments, he never did anything to rectify the treatment plan. Every week my son kept saying otitis, or conjunctivitis, or bronchiolitis, or bronchitis ... We were the "Kings of the-itis." And his doctor was limited to repeat prescriptions, over and over again, without even asking for the root of the problem. My son came Chest physiotherapy unit thanks that we, their parents, looking for information in parallel and we found out that rehabilitation therapy as an alternative to pharmacological attack.
And finally, tired of spraying, taking him to the clinic or emergency room two or three days a week, tired of not seeing improvements in his condition, decided to change course and go to a homeopath ...

"When you see what I"
Since that time, the pediatrician of my son knows that we have lost much of our faith in the official medical establishment to which she belongs. She sees us as "hippies alternative" may be "victims of a cult" and we to it as a great "official recipe repeater" very profitable for the pharmaceutical industry. And within that relationship, based on the resignation, we endure and accept each other with the utmost respect and tolerance that can give us ...

biomedical treatment: rebirth
Given the amazing recovery of my child after the dietary change, we had no doubt that we should make the relevant medical tests and make an appointment with Dr. Rosella Mazzuka, who would visit the Canary Islands November through a partnership ALDIS ...

Dani is another child. Your biological clock back to start. Gone are the harrowing days of tantrums, tears and routines, the days of repetitive behaviors, looks lost, silence and emptiness ... Today, my little talk, connect, communicate, laugh out loud, sing, dance, play, climb, jump, spread their vitality to anyone who crosses their path ... and is preparing a "backpack" full of wisdom for its imminent entry into the school the next school year. His older brother, Hector (his best therapist, speech therapist and psychologist), enjoy it every day, teaching games, words and new entertainment. There are still things to iron out. And, of course, no we can lower our guard. We must keep at bay the candid and does not waver with his special diet. But ultimately, I can now proudly say that my son has recovered almost entirely from its TGD, which is again the same child for a day filled the house with noise and joy.

This is our story, for anyone who will listen. Daniel Gonzalez Martin came into the world twice: once, on 9 April 2008, when his mother bore him, another on 10 August 2010, when his parents through a biomedical treatment, which returned to the world of words and looks.

More information:
/ santi-_gonzalez_castro@yahoo.es


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