Tuesday, February 15, 2011

How Do You Get Sponsored By Monster


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Jules Cheret Cheret
July ( May 31, 1836 - September 23, 1932 ) was a French painter and lithographer who became a master poster art. Often called the father of modern poster

Finally in the middle years of the century XIX, is a figure regarded as the father of modern posters. This is the French artist Jules Cheret (1836-1933).
son of a printer, which was formed in lithographic workshops in Paris and London, a city in which it begins to design different covers for books, catalogs, posters ... meets a French manufacturer of perfumes from the brand "Rimmel" and it will charge advertising work as well as offer help to create a studio equipped with the most modern machinery known until that time ...
The huge production, cover the entire last third of the s. XIX, deciding to accept the presence of French street poster, which is very rare in this era, beginning to invade the streets of Paris. Cheret, that was a great artist as well as painter, learn to be a printer, creating its first poster advertising a single color on a play: "La Biche au bois" who plays a young man of twenty years called Sarah Bernhardt. In 1958 he made his first lithograph in color design "aux Enfers Orfhée." From 1869 to 1888, work in Tricromía then use four to five colors in his compositions.
theaters, newspapers, museums ... ask Cheret's work, everyone wants a sign that flooded the streets of Paris to the work of this artist, identified primarily by the work done in the "Music-Hall" and various cabarets city \u200b\u200bin the Belle Epoch. "
In 1889, with long work behind the artist was awarded the Legion of Honor to have generated a new approach to art through the application of business skills.
One of the great causes of the great success of Cheret is the constant presence of women in their billboards, always attractive and flirtatious, inviting the possession of the advertised product as if it entails the right to possess her too.

In 1891 has managed to produce about 100 posters published, marking an almost industrial production. Looking like the quality of their posters had lowered the level of artistry, Cheret, leave the land business for himself to painting, oil and pastel on everything ...
really Cheret's posters are not only advertising but works of art that are currently considered as works of art. Even Cheret himself did not consider their advertising posters as big hits but he agreed that his works were large murals which had found a place more alive than exposure within a building: The street.
The Cherette. " With these influences, the French announcement will take an erotic tinge later imitated by other countries that makes it distinguished from the English, much more serious.

In general, Cheret posters are from the compositional point of view, very simple, and plans by the colors chosen. It is very bold the fact that he located the woman in the foreground with a role that has not been done. All his compositions are under the stylistic unity of the century. In the poster we can see at the top there is an asymmetry (as in all works) creating a spotlight that is woman.
is a precursor of modern advertising as the leading lady comes decorated as the main hook for the man buys the product. The man's character always appears in the background of course, to buy the product it attracted advance for the female figure. **********


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