Monday, January 24, 2011

Bonjela And Mouth Abscesses


Hey, the truth is that I'm no good at writing but I will InterTAN, because I'd like to share our experience with nestor vosotros.Mi son's name when he was 2 years and saw that it was behaving like a normal child will not talk and his ball went to the doctor and there began our journey, psychologists, neurologists ... went into early care our city and its sight was that had features of autism, in the end was a bucket of cold water for us I could not believe me, they said they used pictocgramas and I refused since diagnostic so a child of 2 years is not reliable and there's where we started to move and was when I met Rosie's blog, I want to thank you item Rosina have contacted her and guide me ... we started at a center prepared to work with children at home and did great but there comes a time that Rosina was uncooperative and then recommended a center and we went, we're Padovan for 1 year and also did berad and my son being diagnosed with autism and now tells us not to those at, which has no feature that is great, is 3 years old and talks up a storm understands everything, playing with children and is very smart in school keeps pace with the class and only has support from speech and we we see only a simple delay. by that I mean I encourage all parents and as Rosina told me do not let for tomorrow what you can do today and that the diagnosis is only a name that matters is its evolution, THANKS FOR HELPING AND ROSINA guided OF HEART, A HUG, MARIA


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