My 8 year old son was diagnosed at 4 with Sensory immaturity, and we were in for Sensory Integration therapy 2 years. When I was 6 years we decided, my husband and I leave the therapies, more from exhaustion than to see a real solution to the problem. By 7 years, we took a little under 2 years and the child is messed up enough.
College initiated the suggestion of other diagnostic process, this time with a neurologist, who in turn referred us to Neuropsychology and Psychiatry. The diagnosis was ADHD, but my husband and I refuse to medicate since we panicked response Neurologist: "The medication is not a treatment is a solution as the child grows! And if not mature, nothing happens, it can take medication for life ". Thus began a process of study alternatives, lectures, and support of our Homeopath ...
In total, over the past year, did the Tomatis method, was supported with Homeopathy and supplements, psychiatric support, we incorporate the family to the Feingold Diet, and made a Neuropsychological Rehabilitation Therapy; additional recreationally Equine ago ( Not to mention the enuresis alarm.) It sounds overwhelming that all along, but we gradually integrating all to life, starting a few things, ending others and keeping others. The result is that recently made some tests Neuropsychology and the Doctor informed us that it is a normal child not to have ADHD. He
misdiagnosed? Had symptoms of ADHD, but it was a food allergy? Lacked supplements? He was a mess in his way of listening? Did not consider his new sister in the diagnostic process? ...
Anyway, no matter who it was, the reality is that we had bad times to live with him and with his tantrums, euphoria, difficulty fulfill his word, trouble socializing with friends. Today we feel we are on the other hand, we know that we must continue working to strengthen human being.
Ana, Colombia
College initiated the suggestion of other diagnostic process, this time with a neurologist, who in turn referred us to Neuropsychology and Psychiatry. The diagnosis was ADHD, but my husband and I refuse to medicate since we panicked response Neurologist: "The medication is not a treatment is a solution as the child grows! And if not mature, nothing happens, it can take medication for life ". Thus began a process of study alternatives, lectures, and support of our Homeopath ...
In total, over the past year, did the Tomatis method, was supported with Homeopathy and supplements, psychiatric support, we incorporate the family to the Feingold Diet, and made a Neuropsychological Rehabilitation Therapy; additional recreationally Equine ago ( Not to mention the enuresis alarm.) It sounds overwhelming that all along, but we gradually integrating all to life, starting a few things, ending others and keeping others. The result is that recently made some tests Neuropsychology and the Doctor informed us that it is a normal child not to have ADHD. He
misdiagnosed? Had symptoms of ADHD, but it was a food allergy? Lacked supplements? He was a mess in his way of listening? Did not consider his new sister in the diagnostic process? ...
Anyway, no matter who it was, the reality is that we had bad times to live with him and with his tantrums, euphoria, difficulty fulfill his word, trouble socializing with friends. Today we feel we are on the other hand, we know that we must continue working to strengthen human being.
Ana, Colombia
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