The relationship between Easter and spring is not innocent. In fact coincides with the time of the barley harvest in Egypt. Currently, in regions of Catalonia, a distinction is made between "Pascua florida" and "Easter."
resurrection as a step of slavery to freedom, from death to life or darkly colored light can be interpreted naturally as an allegory of cyclical rebirth of spring. Fausto says
"Today they are all very happy to sunbathe. Celebrate the Resurrection of the Lord, since they, in turn, have risen as well, and stays drowned the low dwellings, career and business obstacles, oppression of the walls and ceiling of the crusher narrow streets of the respectable obscurity of the temples, tdos they are attracted to light " (Goethe). Indeed, the German voice "Ostern" (Easter) is derived from Ostera, name of the spring goddess from the ancient Germans. Therefore, the relationship pagan festival of spring with Easter, is evident.
----------------------- From: http://religioncristiana.idoneos.com/index.php/El_significado_de_la_Pascua
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