Our son Alexander was diagnosed with ADHD when he was 4 years. He now has eight. From the first moment was a very busy boy but what took us to the diagnosis was a talk with your teacher P4 we noted the presence of some deficits in the classroom. We did not know then was that of ADHD. We found a lot of renowned neurologist closer to home and took it. We left there with ADHD diagnosis and treatment based on Medikimet, Risperdal (WITH ONLY 4 YEARS!) And visit with the psychologist each month (the child is not us). The first day we gave Medikimet was a disaster, the child was hysterical and could not stop mourn. Call and we changed it Rubifen. Then I was in P5 and there were days that we gave him but the teacher noticed it and we were struck. So passed a course and end of course leave to give the Rubifen because although the teacher felt he was better with the medicine we had the perception that the same child was not always loving, even changing her face. We could not more, something was wrong but what could we do?. Seek medical input to help him with something more natural and so spent a year based Omega 3 and homeopathy and the truth is that we saw better but still very busy and not focused attention in school, apart from some problems that dragged on forever psychomotor and what any doctor who had visited so far placed emphasis: "Everything is ADHD," they repeated. It was increasingly delayed at the school but the teachers put a lot on his side and helped him at all. At that point we knew we had to take another step forward and started to "investigate" our own: we buy books, look online ... The information was so overwhelming that to create a blog to collect it all and served to us we also serve others. During that time he was drawing the idea on us that what we had done so far was to hide symptoms would not it be better to try to find the source of these symptoms? Our starting point was PadresconAlternativas, uncovering therapies that we had not heard of and also more holistic professionals, more concerned with helping our son, to find what was causing their symptoms, we find Dr. Ferré and went to visit about three months. From there we went with a name for what happens to Alexander but with a small lista de problemas que le podían estar originando su hiperactividad, su falta de atención y sus dificultades en la escuela.
Encontró un asimetría en el cráneo que le provocaba presión, para esto fuimos al Osteópata (Dr. Castaign) que confirmó el diagnóstico de la Dra. Y empezó a trabajar intensivamente con el peque. El Dr. Castaign nos dijo algo que para nosotros es el pilar en el que asentamos nuestras decisiones: “Cuando le pasa algo al organismo este nos lo comunica con fiebre, pero la fiebre no es el problema sino lo que causa la fiebre. Pues el TDAH viene a ser la fiebre del sistema nervioso, algo no funciona pero no hay que eliminar el TDAH sino lo que provoca el TDAH”.
También told us that he had no definite laterality (in principle is a lefty), the right hand is virtually nullified. For this we commanded to do exercises at home every day.
And finally we recommended that we go to the optometrist to rule out visual efficiency problems he suspected he might have. And effectively what is visited Marta Codina and exercising every day too.
As medication continues with Omega 3, Homeopathy and Bach Flowers, as well as melatonin to improve sleep quality.
To us this seems to go to causes.
During the summer we kept going to osteopath and we are delighted with him. At the last visit and told us he was improving. We also continue with the optometrist and their daily exercises. In late summer and mastered and we changed them by more complicated, he says is improving. We do not forget to go about doing exercises laterality Dr, Ferro, with whom we have seen within 3 weeks, it will be when we make a better assessment of the progress of Alexander. This week has joined our "cast" of professionals with a holistic orthodontist who recommended Dr. Castaigne (Osteopath), the teeth have not gone very well, and has proven to be a marvel: Dr. Melibea Vallvé. Two minutes to be with Alexander and we knew we had found what I wanted.
As far as we noticed us and those near Alexander agree that it is quieter, in fact even in school you have removed the tag but still hyperactive and learning problems is evolving very positively. Of course it is a child and also has its bad days but we are the minority. Right now we are focused on learn to read well and to keep a bit more attention. Now I'll never say: "It has ADHD," no matter how comfortable that the result stands now I say "have learning difficulties" and inside I think: "At the moment" because I have the certainty that we are on track to help and that he is able to overcome all this as so many other things, his young age, has already passed. At the moment, so good. Jordi
Encontró un asimetría en el cráneo que le provocaba presión, para esto fuimos al Osteópata (Dr. Castaign) que confirmó el diagnóstico de la Dra. Y empezó a trabajar intensivamente con el peque. El Dr. Castaign nos dijo algo que para nosotros es el pilar en el que asentamos nuestras decisiones: “Cuando le pasa algo al organismo este nos lo comunica con fiebre, pero la fiebre no es el problema sino lo que causa la fiebre. Pues el TDAH viene a ser la fiebre del sistema nervioso, algo no funciona pero no hay que eliminar el TDAH sino lo que provoca el TDAH”.
También told us that he had no definite laterality (in principle is a lefty), the right hand is virtually nullified. For this we commanded to do exercises at home every day.
And finally we recommended that we go to the optometrist to rule out visual efficiency problems he suspected he might have. And effectively what is visited Marta Codina and exercising every day too.
As medication continues with Omega 3, Homeopathy and Bach Flowers, as well as melatonin to improve sleep quality.
To us this seems to go to causes.
During the summer we kept going to osteopath and we are delighted with him. At the last visit and told us he was improving. We also continue with the optometrist and their daily exercises. In late summer and mastered and we changed them by more complicated, he says is improving. We do not forget to go about doing exercises laterality Dr, Ferro, with whom we have seen within 3 weeks, it will be when we make a better assessment of the progress of Alexander. This week has joined our "cast" of professionals with a holistic orthodontist who recommended Dr. Castaigne (Osteopath), the teeth have not gone very well, and has proven to be a marvel: Dr. Melibea Vallvé. Two minutes to be with Alexander and we knew we had found what I wanted.
As far as we noticed us and those near Alexander agree that it is quieter, in fact even in school you have removed the tag but still hyperactive and learning problems is evolving very positively. Of course it is a child and also has its bad days but we are the minority. Right now we are focused on learn to read well and to keep a bit more attention. Now I'll never say: "It has ADHD," no matter how comfortable that the result stands now I say "have learning difficulties" and inside I think: "At the moment" because I have the certainty that we are on track to help and that he is able to overcome all this as so many other things, his young age, has already passed. At the moment, so good. Jordi
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