Dear Friends @ s, at the request of my friend Rosina, I would like tod @ s share our experience with my son George, a charming child six years with Down Syndrome that not only strives to minimize the disadvantages of giftedness gene cause trisomy 21 in it, but also retains some primitive reflexes that block advanced neurological development and processing bad sensory inputs (vestibular and proprioceptive mainly).
Like all of us, we started with him a little lost and disoriented, but with plenty of motivation to make the most of it. After more than 3 years in early childhood through the City Social Services, we saw that Jorge was not moving really well in a pattern development "normal" for a child with Down syndrome. There was more, had a roof that did not see below the trisomy. Research and reading, we first with Doman (Vegakids). After an initial review with Charles and Victor were a little overwhelmed. After starting with George sensory and motor program, I began to read about Doman. The first thing I read was "* What do brain-injured child *". Really understand the work program, and everything that supports the reorganization neurofunctional really understood why so many things. I saw it so interesting that I started reading several books by Glenn Doman, one of the most interesting "* How to teach your baby to be physically good *". I believe this is the foundation that underpins all the stimulation that is practiced today, is published or any method is based.
One year we did to Jorge about the Berard Auditory Rehabilitation (Victor Estalayo), giving good results (mainly to tolerate the noise). Jorge
advanced, but very very slowly, continued to burden "something", which hampered its development. So, I continued searching, researching and reading, until I found the fabulous blog of Rosina, with huge difference ... the best consultant for our children!. It was then when I went to in the complicated world full of stimulation itself, primitive reflexes, sensory dysfunction, etc. I read the book * Sally Goddard * about "* Reflection, learning and behavior *", checking how many reflections kept my son George, and how they prevented postural reflexes acquired and successfully advance to more sophisticated neurological levels. I also noticed how, since the primary or early childhood development, programs are carried out are aimed at the cortex, when the child still has some difficulties at subcortical (limbic and reptilian mainly brainstem and medulla oblongata) that work is needed before, because of not prioritizing in this way, we are not efficient with our work. After visiting Eva Rodriguez in Madrid, it confirmed to us that George kept reflexes, and we proposed a work plan with him through the Rhythmic Movement Therapy * *.
* Later I read Jean Ayres *, and his wonderful book "* The Sensory Integration and the Child *". It was then I realized that everything fit, the primary reflections are due to the brainstem and their lack of cortical involvement, and postural reflexes, motor planning and sensory processing. The Sensory Integration * * gave answers to many questions and symptoms seen in George, from walking on tiptoe, nail trimming rejection, rejection haircut, compulsive form, etc. Interestingly primitive reflexes and sensory integration as two streams that complement, not two blocks watertight and exclusive. TMR actually works not only to and from the reptilian brain, Sensory Integration and the limbic system. I believe that the interconnections between the three great systems of the brain occur with both therapies, and therefore I believe we can and must work together, it is very often the child has underlying reflexes that prevent proper functioning in postural level. Like any good
professional parents in this profession must continue to form, and thus I came to osteopathy, Padova and biomedical treatments. * Osteopathy * improved the tension in the frontal lobe that Jorge held, getting destensionar the meninges, enhancing relationships, frustrations, etc. In this therapy, I was surprised one of its foundations, "/ structure governs function /", on the contrary to the philosophy of Doman, who says that "/ function determines the structure /" (Lamarck). Once again you can see how both theories are completely true, as a thrust in the suture of the parietal and frontal bones can cause symptoms and CNS damage, as a program of stimulation causes a greater number of synaptic connections and improve the functioning of the CNS. Teresa Feliu
taught me what the Method * * Padovan, and how it could work with Jorge Neurofunctional Reorganization. Movements of legs, arms, swing, orofacial, etc. through a sequenced program, supported in songs and poems, succeeds in giving patterns of neuromotor logical development of the child.
Today, after a long journey, we have a proper job with George. Worked with him on alternate days Doman modified with TMR, and Padovan with some sensory integration. Es fácil pensar que si vemos problemas en el desarrollo neuromotórico del niño, posiblemente haya ciertas difucultades en su metabolismo, en su modo de alimentarse y procesar la alimentación, no osbtante hay una gran relación entre la disfunción sensorial del SNC y la hipersensibilidad del sistema inmune. Asi pues, empezamos a monitorear cómo estaba Jorge "por dentro", siendo ésta otra pieza del rompecabezas:* los tratamientos biomédicos. *Su sistema inmune debilitado como consecuencia de infecciones respiratorias recurrentes tratados con antibióticos, intestino permeable con filtración de péptidos actuando como morfinatos, risa borracha (Cándida), episodios de estreñimientos y diarreas, irritabilidad (Clostridium), and so on, we confirmed that we were on to the taproot that sustains the whole tree. Improving your metabolism
(trace, feeding intolerance, probiotics, DHA, etc.) Improved the physiological environment necessary to maximize the effectiveness of all methods and therapies that worked with him. Currently working on this line and the results are satisfactory
. Each child brings their own genetic code that leads their neurological development, work to "modify" as far as possible the functioning and efficiency of your nervous system, helping along the way, remove obstacles, or at least lowering the height of these. Each child responds differently, but as parents, we know that working in this way we are working on the right track.
Jorge (Cádiz) blog OFFAL GENIOS
Like all of us, we started with him a little lost and disoriented, but with plenty of motivation to make the most of it. After more than 3 years in early childhood through the City Social Services, we saw that Jorge was not moving really well in a pattern development "normal" for a child with Down syndrome. There was more, had a roof that did not see below the trisomy. Research and reading, we first with Doman (Vegakids). After an initial review with Charles and Victor were a little overwhelmed. After starting with George sensory and motor program, I began to read about Doman. The first thing I read was "* What do brain-injured child *". Really understand the work program, and everything that supports the reorganization neurofunctional really understood why so many things. I saw it so interesting that I started reading several books by Glenn Doman, one of the most interesting "* How to teach your baby to be physically good *". I believe this is the foundation that underpins all the stimulation that is practiced today, is published or any method is based.
One year we did to Jorge about the Berard Auditory Rehabilitation (Victor Estalayo), giving good results (mainly to tolerate the noise). Jorge
advanced, but very very slowly, continued to burden "something", which hampered its development. So, I continued searching, researching and reading, until I found the fabulous blog of Rosina, with huge difference ... the best consultant for our children!. It was then when I went to in the complicated world full of stimulation itself, primitive reflexes, sensory dysfunction, etc. I read the book * Sally Goddard * about "* Reflection, learning and behavior *", checking how many reflections kept my son George, and how they prevented postural reflexes acquired and successfully advance to more sophisticated neurological levels. I also noticed how, since the primary or early childhood development, programs are carried out are aimed at the cortex, when the child still has some difficulties at subcortical (limbic and reptilian mainly brainstem and medulla oblongata) that work is needed before, because of not prioritizing in this way, we are not efficient with our work. After visiting Eva Rodriguez in Madrid, it confirmed to us that George kept reflexes, and we proposed a work plan with him through the Rhythmic Movement Therapy * *.
* Later I read Jean Ayres *, and his wonderful book "* The Sensory Integration and the Child *". It was then I realized that everything fit, the primary reflections are due to the brainstem and their lack of cortical involvement, and postural reflexes, motor planning and sensory processing. The Sensory Integration * * gave answers to many questions and symptoms seen in George, from walking on tiptoe, nail trimming rejection, rejection haircut, compulsive form, etc. Interestingly primitive reflexes and sensory integration as two streams that complement, not two blocks watertight and exclusive. TMR actually works not only to and from the reptilian brain, Sensory Integration and the limbic system. I believe that the interconnections between the three great systems of the brain occur with both therapies, and therefore I believe we can and must work together, it is very often the child has underlying reflexes that prevent proper functioning in postural level. Like any good
professional parents in this profession must continue to form, and thus I came to osteopathy, Padova and biomedical treatments. * Osteopathy * improved the tension in the frontal lobe that Jorge held, getting destensionar the meninges, enhancing relationships, frustrations, etc. In this therapy, I was surprised one of its foundations, "/ structure governs function /", on the contrary to the philosophy of Doman, who says that "/ function determines the structure /" (Lamarck). Once again you can see how both theories are completely true, as a thrust in the suture of the parietal and frontal bones can cause symptoms and CNS damage, as a program of stimulation causes a greater number of synaptic connections and improve the functioning of the CNS. Teresa Feliu
taught me what the Method * * Padovan, and how it could work with Jorge Neurofunctional Reorganization. Movements of legs, arms, swing, orofacial, etc. through a sequenced program, supported in songs and poems, succeeds in giving patterns of neuromotor logical development of the child.
Today, after a long journey, we have a proper job with George. Worked with him on alternate days Doman modified with TMR, and Padovan with some sensory integration. Es fácil pensar que si vemos problemas en el desarrollo neuromotórico del niño, posiblemente haya ciertas difucultades en su metabolismo, en su modo de alimentarse y procesar la alimentación, no osbtante hay una gran relación entre la disfunción sensorial del SNC y la hipersensibilidad del sistema inmune. Asi pues, empezamos a monitorear cómo estaba Jorge "por dentro", siendo ésta otra pieza del rompecabezas:* los tratamientos biomédicos. *Su sistema inmune debilitado como consecuencia de infecciones respiratorias recurrentes tratados con antibióticos, intestino permeable con filtración de péptidos actuando como morfinatos, risa borracha (Cándida), episodios de estreñimientos y diarreas, irritabilidad (Clostridium), and so on, we confirmed that we were on to the taproot that sustains the whole tree. Improving your metabolism
(trace, feeding intolerance, probiotics, DHA, etc.) Improved the physiological environment necessary to maximize the effectiveness of all methods and therapies that worked with him. Currently working on this line and the results are satisfactory
. Each child brings their own genetic code that leads their neurological development, work to "modify" as far as possible the functioning and efficiency of your nervous system, helping along the way, remove obstacles, or at least lowering the height of these. Each child responds differently, but as parents, we know that working in this way we are working on the right track.
Jorge (Cádiz) blog OFFAL GENIOS
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