I have a 7 year old boy who has trouble concentrating and doing very Justito in the notes. (Come on, if not did something it was suspending)
all started when I called the school for tutoring, to say the teacher was very concerned about it was quite late pedro on the group, and that when he went to was pretty sparse. But that did not see a child with special educational needs (which will value the guidance team.) Yet the guidance team talk to me and told me they could not see the child until four months as many schools and this had came just one day a week. But not to worry because we had to take into account that the child is the month of December and assume that each time ripe fruit.
Then I took it and went to a psycho cabinet, in which some of the things that the child had difficulties were graph-perceptual visual-motor coordination. Then I report optometrist behavioral because I told a friend and agree many things about the child.
I got down to work and went to the optometrist comportameltal, he made another more comprehensive report concerning the vision and primitive reflexes and took out quite a bit (thank goodness that the child had nothing!) We got to do therapy without thinking. I did not think it was so slow and that cost me pelarme both with him to make, between the duties and therapy we spent every night without rest, luckily though slow have already seen some results, we have adopted 2 ยบ Primary .- (with sufficient, but it passed),
Even after the effort so that we done by two, the teacher goes and tells me the therapy I'm doing this is not noticing anything.
short time we are still only 7 months I hope to get finished with more success as a child sometimes refuses to cooperate and work really hard for me to do it and do it well.
What we have not achieved even a little is that primitive reflexes exercises the child is going to stop to pee at night. and that we have not yet achieved even a little. Well
greetings to all, and I tell you better news as therapy progresses.
I have a 7 year old boy who has trouble concentrating and doing very Justito in the notes. (Come on, if not did something it was suspending)
all started when I called the school for tutoring, to say the teacher was very concerned about it was quite late pedro on the group, and that when he went to was pretty sparse. But that did not see a child with special educational needs (which will value the guidance team.) Yet the guidance team talk to me and told me they could not see the child until four months as many schools and this had came just one day a week. But not to worry because we had to take into account that the child is the month of December and assume that each time ripe fruit.
Then I took it and went to a psycho cabinet, in which some of the things that the child had difficulties were graph-perceptual visual-motor coordination. Then I report optometrist behavioral because I told a friend and agree many things about the child.
I got down to work and went to the optometrist comportameltal, he made another more comprehensive report concerning the vision and primitive reflexes and took out quite a bit (thank goodness that the child had nothing!) We got to do therapy without thinking. I did not think it was so slow and that cost me pelarme both with him to make, between the duties and therapy we spent every night without rest, luckily though slow have already seen some results, we have adopted 2 ยบ Primary .- (with sufficient, but it passed),
Even after the effort so that we done by two, the teacher goes and tells me the therapy I'm doing this is not noticing anything.
short time we are still only 7 months I hope to get finished with more success as a child sometimes refuses to cooperate and work really hard for me to do it and do it well.
What we have not achieved even a little is that primitive reflexes exercises the child is going to stop to pee at night. and that we have not yet achieved even a little. Well
greetings to all, and I tell you better news as therapy progresses.
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