En marcha el Plan Nacional de Lectura
El Ministerio de Educación imprimió ya los primeros libros que se repartirán en las escuelas e institutos de todo el país.
Por: Marta Sandoval msandoval@elperiodico.com.gt
Literature in Guatemala is almost a luxury consumption. If a boy wants to read Livingston will have to make a long journey to the capital to buy a book or visit a library stocked moderately. The same thing happens to Mazatenango and Zacapa. Under these conditions the habit of reading is almost an odyssey. So the former education minister, Bienvenido Argueta, coordinated the editing of five collections of books will be distributed free in all schools and colleges in the country. For now, only published 10 000 copies for each grade, as part of the pilot, but project leaders hope to cover all students before the year ends.
"These books belong to the first collection of oral tradition and popular, the second poetry collection is the third story is the fourth stage and the last of this series is popular myths and legends," says Gloria Hernandez, who worked on the compilation and publication of primary material. "It is a pilot program to fine tune the way the guidelines, philosophy and action. Is attempted for the first time, first-quality books for children school age throughout the Republic, for free, "says Hernandez.
Assessments by the Ministry of Education in 2006 showed that only 24 percent of students who graduate from primary sixth reach expected levels of reading comprehension, others simply get a literal understanding and a very low speed. This happens in part by the limited access to written material.
Books for All texts for basic education are anthologies of poetry compiled by poet Francisco Morales Santos. Will include works by Luis Cardoza y Aragón, Alaíde Foppa, Miguel Angel Asturias, Javier Payet, Maurice Echeverría Isabel de los Ángeles Ruano, Alan Mills, among others.
The diversified are compilations of American literature, to present the highlights of each country in the region.
collection for pre-primary and primary consists of rhymes, tongue twisters, riddles, songs, short stories, poems and jingles. The selection was carried out by Morales Hernández and Frieda. The illustrations were done by Liliana Aldai, Teresa Fonseca and Julia Lara. -----------------------------
the Journal, March 29, 2010. p. 6
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