Literature is an infinite round box containing the feelings, beliefs, feelings and experiences of mankind throughout history. At the time that each of us opens the case prodigious start to become aware of himself and the world around him. Recognize the characters in a story, show distant realities delve into the human essence through reading allows us to evolve as more complete human beings, better able to understand our environment. The literature is like children in that both are pure magic. And precisely this affinity arises intangible children's literature. Along with other new concepts such as rights of children, or children's toy, children's literature emerged in the early twentieth century as unlimited possibility to promote human development from its earliest years.
Although children and young people are the greatest treasure of our planet, the reading material has not been relevant as it should. Thus, the origins of children's literature, its history, its future and, in general, an overview of this genre from the views of geographical and historical topics were the core of the First Iberoamerican Congress on Children's Literature. The event took place from 24 to 26 February because he was interrupted by a totally unexpected cataclysm. The activities would end on Sunday 28 with a varied program for children of all ages.
I was excited to participate in the Ibero-American meeting point for two reasons, initially. The first was to accompany my friend Frieda Morales boat to receive recognition for participating in research and authorship of the Great Dictionary of American Authors of Children's Literature coordinated by Jaime Godfrey. Work of the utmost importance that, with history of Children's Literature in Latin America Manuel Peña Muñoz, were the most anticipated and celebrated books of the Congress. Secondly, was my growing interest in a genre which I have come, as all by puritita intuition. Meet other writers, the great and the beginning, their experiences, their views and their works are now very important in my development experience to weigh my first attempts in this field.
Later, at the end of last year, the interest became a necessity. Came a unique opportunity to work on a National Reading Programme, from the overall design of it until the books that children will use the manuals for teachers and workshops with all groups involved in the process. The temptation to put all my heart, experience and effort put into a work available to the millions of children and young Guatemalan quality reading material was too large. In addition, the opportunity to work with highly capable and fully progressive vision of the project, as in Children's Literature Dr. Frieda Morales Boat Doctor of Philosophy and Education Welcome Argueta eventually convinced. It was therefore necessary to find and add the experiences of other authors and academics in the process of strengthening the reading in Latin America to my experience as an author of textbooks and literary works.
The Congress was organized by SM Foundation and Directorate of Libraries, Archives and Museums of Chile and included two modules, one academic and one cultural. The opening night on Wednesday, 24, was truly magical. The Board Hall National Museum of Fine Arts in Santiago Forest Park shone as never before. The lights of the chandeliers hanging from the ceiling with glow competed as a creator of fantastic characters. Everything was ready to receive us. A few hundred people gathered to celebrate together a literary genre that is identified and differs only by taking into account the age of the reader. In all other respects, namely the aesthetic, conceived and produced as in other literature. The inaugural address, We are what we read, was led by Antonio Skarmeta writers Juan Villoro Chile and Mexico. It reflected on the importance of the first readings in lives of individuals and of peoples. Then came a cocktail party where we know and recognize scholars and authors as Papelucho flagship characters, Barbuchín, noses, Emilia, Minino Maluquinho, Matilda and many others.
Thursday and Friday were spent reviewing the past Children's Literature and Youth (LIJ), to synthesize it and rank it. Especially, we tried an awareness of aspects singularized, its lights and shadows. Knowing where we came from and what history teaches us and synthesize the Latin American children's literature allowed us to reflect on continuity en el siglo que corre. Para ello, se abordaron temas como “Independencia, ciudadanía y literatura infantil,” “Los orígenes de la literatura infantil en España y en América Latina,” “Nombres y títulos señeros de la LIJ ,” “Hacia un canon de la LIJ ,” “Historia de la ilustración y la edición infantil,” entre otros varios. En seguida, se abordó el presente de la LIJ en Iberoamérica con la intención de analizar el estado actual del género: autores, ilustradores, temática, tendencias, estilos e iniciativas más exitosas a favor de la LIJ. Al respecto se themes like "A global view of the LIJ ," "Trends by name," "Challenges and results," "plans, programs and institutional experiences of reading," and "Self-criticism," among others. Moreover, in these days there were History and Dictionary above with all the ceremony and celebration they deserve. With this overview of past and present of the LIJ , dinner and retired to rest on Friday night. On Saturday it was his turn to the future: the potential for development and promotion of key players in the LIJ , ie, teachers and promoters critics, librarians, researchers and the Web and other technological innovations.
The morning we were surprised in the midst of complete darkness. A deafening noise and awareness we finally enveloped thousands of people equally. Chilean and non-condensate share the eternal horror in ninety seconds. The screaming, crying, crying out prayers because we dispense life added to the grinding of glass and the rumble of the ground all comin 'worked as a soundtrack for a scene out of The Twilight Zone. A thick layer of dust is not permitted to recognize anything. The perplexity of having survived, after a few moments later the earthquake, deeply shocked us all. At that time, little did we know that the beautiful Museum of Fine Arts had been partially destroyed and the homeless. A few hours earlier, all participants in the Congress had been meeting there. Some talk of spirits, other guardian angels, others of God as their personal mythologies. The truth is that life gave us another chance and that's the most important. The aftermath of the cataclysm, the sixth largest earthquake of recent History, provided a poignant existential experience. A friend told me that after a tragedy, for a few moments, sometimes days, "all become good. " It was.
SM Foundation and Plaza San Francisco hotel and staff exceeded their considerations and hospitality to foreigners. Congress, of course, was suspended. Representatives of most embassies and consular corps of the countries represented at the event were aware of their countrymen the day Saturday, despite having suffered material losses themselves. Some did not have the same fate. The Salvadoran, Guatemalan and Bolivian women we wait to heed our calls and electronic entry. I do not know why, I feel that Haitians have been in Congress, had suffered the same fate. But that's not important now. Subsequently, our families, the SM Foundation , friends in our countries and the Embassy of Mexico gave us the emotional support we needed at that time. Frieda Morales, Irene Piedra Santa and I have cared for each other accordingly. All the efforts of our people to get us out of this city were in vain. We are scheduled to arrive in our countries next week. All others, Dominican, Venezuelan, Argentinian, English, Mexican and Brazilian came through the efforts of their governments.
In subsequent informal meetings, the topic was the same. We reviewed over and over again the moment of truth. That moment when we face the solitude of death, the possibility of the final minutes. During meals, some spoke of their families, others from God, some of its books half as the images that accompanied us on this evidence we perceive to be the last. After the tears, as good American, we opted for the jokes and funny anecdotes. We are brothers, we sympathize. However, with the passing of days, some sooner than others, we returned to our anxieties, our fears, our foibles, our mediocrity. Nothing is new. Witnessed in many ways the facets of human nature.
Maybe we win by losing. We are the last in line to get to our homes, it is true. But now I write this note, I remember that we have an appointment at a parish in downtown Santiago to go to pack food, clothes and medicines at a gathering of Red Cross and thus an opportunity to help Chileans who behaved so well with us. The earthquake still vibrates within us a note inaudible but quite accurate. Connoisseurs say that the quake caused the earth come into harmony. People we live in this disaster gave us the same. We feel reborn, in perfect peace, eager to acknowledge and live .
----------------------------------- Written by Gloria Hernandez, Santiago de Chile, 2010 .
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