A constant in reading activities is the application of children-of all ages, to hear scary stories, but they are afraid of truth! Say.
From the experience of a couple of workshops for Children's Literature held in the Official Schools of the United States National Republic and Federal Republic of Germany in Guatemala City, in the Artists in the Classroom program of the Ministry of Education, drawings posted here were reading the book "Tales of Fear , bold youth only" collection of books in the corner of the Secretariat of Public Education of Mexico. *****************
The Siguanaba and El Cadejo , legends, oral tradition Guatemalan
Carlos Enrique López Aguilar.
Oscar Raúl. *****************
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow , Washington Irving
Steven Alvarez Jonathan Castellanos
Jerez Dany González Stuart, 5th primary. *****************
The Golden Arm, Traditional English Carol.
Original title: Truly Scary Stories for Fearless Kids . Porter Books, 1998. [Bram Stoker .. (Et.al). Trad. Ferran Esteve. Mexico: SEP / Youth, 2003. Illustrations by Bill Slavin and Joe Weissmann.

Carlos Enrique López Aguilar.

Oscar Raúl. *****************

Steven Alvarez Jonathan Castellanos

Jerez Dany González Stuart, 5th primary. *****************

Original title: Truly Scary Stories for Fearless Kids . Porter Books, 1998. [Bram Stoker .. (Et.al). Trad. Ferran Esteve. Mexico: SEP / Youth, 2003. Illustrations by Bill Slavin and Joe Weissmann.
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