begins on 03 February 2011 and ends on January 22, 2012
rabbityear creates the visibility of an energetic and carefree time. Can be considered as a year easy, where everything that happens will be clearly visible, accessible and comprehensible. However, in early 2011, our problems seem to have disappeared, and we have not been able to get rid of the fears and apprehensions.
For example, in the eastern horoscope, 2011, rabbit (cat, rabbit) is the year 28 in the cycle of sixty years, whose name translates literally as "rabbit peeking through the hole."
Under the mask of carelessness, hides an optimistic mood in the soul of a hare, this means that 2011 will see big jumps in which only show a few days of panic. It is even conceivable that the greatest benefit of this year's events will bring people from rabbit strong character, confident and capable of thinking and dealing firmly with negative moods at times of peak.
The events of 2011 will be favorable, will be developed in a more optimistic scenario, as the rabbits recover their confidence and courage in a safe and supportive environment. In this case, everyone will benefit. However, we must not forget that this situation could be viewed as "unnatural situation." Therefore, if during 2011 you are not able to soften the contradictions that emerge, then the next year, the Dragon, 2012 may require us to pay a high price in some cases.
The year 2011 will be a year with a dual character, on the one hand is complicated and scary, and from the other side is plain and simple. This will be the determining factor for the whole of 2011, subtly playing on human weaknesses and expectations. It is due in part to examine any situation and be alert, always leaving the possibility of a safe evacuation as a hole where a rabbit hides in case of danger and bad weather.
is important to remember that the rabbit is not an ostrich, because the problems must be solved as they arise.
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