Monday, December 13, 2010

Smelly Urine Pregnancy Symptom


Mayda is a 6 year old girl.

De baby was never ill, to the year and a half that began with pharyngitis and otitis frequent. These infections lasted between 3 and 4 months old. The doctors told us that was normal, all kids got sick.

In time he was diagnosed with allergic asthma, but was still Mayda serious ear infections. After several treatments drained her ears, and after 2 ½ years back no ear infections, but neither turned to look at how her ears.

At 3 he started the Cole and in an English language academy. We never noticed anything but we realized it was a shy girl, did not speak when I was with people, do not pronounce the / r / and other consonants changed the pronunciation. When we went to the doctor to review it and commented those things that we noticed how his ears when television was a little high. The physician's response: "It's normal, she has nothing, and first-obsessed mother (uncertain since I was a child of 20 years).

English teacher noticed my daughter had a hearing problem and from that moment began our struggle: Visits to the audiologist, speech therapists, pedagogues, and from 3 years to 5.

Diagnosis: child limit, I could never go to the bar with others you had to assimilate.

When I told her English teacher told me about what happened an educational room where they took a different therapy. So we come before Ana Madrigal. She explained the Berard method, we did an interview and a study for our daughter.

thus begin therapy, and the 3 rd day to our astonishment, Mayda said on behalf of my sister Sarah (formerly named Sayai) was exciting. Began to pronounce the "r", all very happy but Mayda more, laughed a lot, every time you say a word with "r" us repeat. Still working with Anna, but we believe and hope that our daughter will continue to improve thanks to this method and people like Anna Madrigal and Anabel that make this cabinet.

We sincerely hope to continue helping more people to make life easier.

Some parents


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