Several instruments of torture. The iron maiden is on the right.
Many believe that Iron Maiden is another historical figure, but it is not.
The iron maiden was instrumental allegedly used to torture and ejecuciĆ³n.La iron maiden was actually built in the nineteenth century as a result of a misinterpretation of "Schandmanter" (layer of infamy). It was a device made of wood and brass but without spikes, which did not harm the body and was used as a public punishment for poachers and prostitutes, who had to publicly take some time.It is the seventeenth century and still had that Elizabeth Bathory Iron Maiden used against her maids to provide extra blood of their victims for eternal youth.
The doors were closed slowly so that the tips of the nails could penetrate the man's arms and legs in several places, plus many other parts of body such as chest, shoulders or eyes, but never to kill him directly, though this caused him great pain over a couple of days until he died.
Although this has not been proven, expert historians claim that the nails on the inside of the door were moving. It is thought that could be rearranged or changed the site depending on what was needed for the individual in question, depending on the physiognomy and the crime made. Thus, the overall result would be more or less lethal and crippling depending on where you put the nails.
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